Happy HalloweenFor those who grew up trick or treating remember getting two pieces at one house. Total candy bonus. So a little Austin bonus today.
Actor Austin
We're getting a chance to see Austin play a delicious devious guy in his role as Julian Baker on One Tree Hill, but just how bad can he be? You know, there's is a bit of a darkness that lurks behind those eyes, and undoubtedly we will get to see it again in The Informers. For an actor is those kind of parts that can be the most interesting and exciting to play. Because you get to tap into something else, something that may only come out when allow it. Or something you don't always share with your audience
Looking past his All American boy looks and those "rich, snotty, kind of a jerk " roles he's had, on the other end of spectrum from John, its there. There's sometimes a look of intensity, and other times a possessiveness. Undoubtedly he has given both looks to certain a someone that fell under his spell long ago. But then there's this other look kind of lurking, smoldering, bubbling away, not sure when it will boil overs that can take the legs right out of a person. One of the best examples of this picture. Sweaty, glowing, little rough, and some smeared liner, that gaze tells a real story. How can you not fall under that?
Bat Austin
The Bats of Austin. The Congress Avenue bridge in downtown Austin is the spring and summer home to some 750,000 bats with up to 1.5 million bats at the peak of the bat-watching season. It's the largest urban bat colony in North America. While bats have been in Austinfor many years, it was after renovations to the Congress Avenue bridge over Town Lake in 1980 that they found their favorite hang out. Narrow but deep openings created in the bridge turned out to be perfect accommodations. Each evening around sunset the Congress Avenue bats emerge like a black cloud from the crevices of the bridge. Covering the countryside in search of food, it is estimated that the bats consume from 10,000 to 30,000 pounds of insects. Giving birth in June or July, the bats and pups hang around til October when they head back south. Watching the nightly forays for food is a favorite evening activity, especially in late summer. People come out every night to watch the black cloud fly out of from the bridge as the sunsets.
Costume Austin (and Jake too)Last call for Halloween. Nothing like those last minute costumes.
But now its your turn. What are your suggestions for them for Halloween?
Together or single sure you have your own ideas for costumes for them.
Austin raiding his closet for his rubber boots and grabbing a hose to be a fireman?Jake pull out that sparkler from Saturday Night Live and and tease the his own hair for something quick? Although I would shorten that dress, you know why, cause honey those legs should not be hidden. (see above?!?)
A couple more for me. Jake's been a tube of toothpaste as a kid, but how about just going as a tooth this time? Would Austin be the Brush? Or the Dentist ? Cavities Cavities! What?!?! Good dental hygiene is important and what a reminder on this day of candy goodness. What did you think I meant?
Or maybe Jake as Reese and Austin as Jake - Come on Jake's got her number and probably already imitates her, but this Reeke both would smile and really want to hold hands .... and do some of the stuff people think Reese and Jake really do.
Uh crap - that's gonna cost me candy at the Witherspoon house - I'll get a rock or the box of raisins for sure now.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Spelling.. A B C's
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Shafterella Shoshstein = Reese
Ryan is a chatty drunk.
Ted is going after R&J on all fronts lately. In the past Ted was pretty convinced that all of R&R's problems were due to Ryan having a roving eye. Now he seems to have Reese's number (finally).
Remember Ryan saying there were a lot of problems and people wouldn't like what they would hear if they knew what they all were? He was essentially saying that it wasn't only his issues that made them divorce. So maybe they both cheated? I don't know...my guess is that at some point they decided to have an "open" relationship. That was the undercurrent anyway, don't ask, don't tell, be cool and ignore things etc. Then Ryan fell in love and all hell broke loose. He is the type to feel guilty, take the hit but then resent it later. So he could be starting to tell people things. Especially if he really wants Abbie off the hook for causing their separation.
Ted is going after R&J on all fronts lately. In the past Ted was pretty convinced that all of R&R's problems were due to Ryan having a roving eye. Now he seems to have Reese's number (finally).
Remember Ryan saying there were a lot of problems and people wouldn't like what they would hear if they knew what they all were? He was essentially saying that it wasn't only his issues that made them divorce. So maybe they both cheated? I don't know...my guess is that at some point they decided to have an "open" relationship. That was the undercurrent anyway, don't ask, don't tell, be cool and ignore things etc. Then Ryan fell in love and all hell broke loose. He is the type to feel guilty, take the hit but then resent it later. So he could be starting to tell people things. Especially if he really wants Abbie off the hook for causing their separation.
double click sorry
Special, you do know that after seeing that picture that it's very difficult to think of anything besides firemen and their hoses. ;)
But I've given it the old college try, and come up with Austin as a basketball player, and Jake as a cheerleader. Actually, that wasn't so difficult to come up with. :-D
This latest from Ted sure puts a new spin on things. I'm having a hard time picturing that, but maybe what comes off as uptight is really just being a control freak. Hmmmmm, so Reeke could have another reason other than the many already discussed--allowing Reese to play around without hurting her precious image.
It is interesting that Ted has decided to go after Reese after all this time. Maybe he thinks she's responsible for some of the more outrageous stuff, or more vulnerable to criticism.
Austin Nichols, DDS
Drill Baby Drill!
Happy Halloween, all -
One of the best Halloween songs ever, I like the Creedence Clearwater version too. :)
Interesting Ted comments lately.
^^ :-D :-D
Count Dracula and Elvira.
^^That would be an awesome costume. ;)
Spesh, love the Pumpkin pic too.
IMO, Screamin' Jay has the best scream and laugh ever put to song.
My Aunt Kass got a ride home from him after a babysitting gig when the woman she babysat for met him at a club and brought him home. He drove my aunt home in his pink limo and walked her to her door wearing a black cape with an orange inside liner. Her mother flipped out when she saw this!
^^Wow! He does have a great scream! :)
Remember Elizabeth Banks most mortifying moment in Hollwood:
“Oh God, there are a few. But Jake Gyllenhaal once approached me in a valet line, and I thought he thought I was someone else. I was confused and frosty and I’m sure I was very off-putting, and he had to remind me that we had met, that we had done a partial reading of Romeo and Juliet, I don’t have a good memory for names and faces, so my husband now calls it ‘The Gyllenhaal.’ Like if we go to some luncheon and meet new people, he tells me, ‘Don’t Gyllenhaal these people.’”
She's back with this quote this past week:
"I'm not trying to have Jake Gyllenhaal's baby. I'm not a major fashionista. I'm not going through a lesbian phase. I'm just normal. I'm just really freakin' normal."
– Elizabeth Banks, on why no one talks about her 16-year relationship with the same man, husband Max Handelman, to USA Today
I don't know, sounds like she's a little Gyllenhaalic.
Shafterella Shoshstein
Shaft Shoes?
Long running rumor about Reese and her shoe "shopping" habits. Kind of 100% discount as the gossip goes.
Dear Ted:
I guessed Toothy Tile as Matthew McConaughey, but I am now seriously thinking it's David Duchovny. Makes sense...Maybe all the sex rehab wasn't as simple as we thought.
—Jen, N.Y.
Dear SAA:
Please, D.D. is so not on my team, thank heaven.
Dear Ted:
It seems people can't stop talking about how frustrated they are with Reese and Jake's "romance." I get it, but I am more irritated by the can-do-no-wrong Angelina Jolie getting away with acting like she is saving the world from unjust poverty, all while maintaining a life of excessive luxury. Has anyone noticed that this screams hypocrisy?
Dear Hypies:
Yep, you're preaching to the catty choir here on both counts, sweetie.
Dear Ted:
Please, pretty please, with loads of nonfattening goodness put out a book of all the Blind Vices and put in who they are if you've revealed them. Thanks for bringing a laugh and taking our minds off the real world.
—Ardleigh Street
Dear Pen It Out:
Sounds too fab, shall we call it The Talented Mr. Tile?
These are in their exact order. Come people Jake & Reese between to Toothy mentions. Who's that stupid not to figure it out?
Dear Ted:
I guessed Toothy Tile as Matthew McConaughey, but I am now seriously thinking it's David Duchovny. Makes sense...Maybe all the sex rehab wasn't as simple as we thought.
—Jen, N.Y.
Dear SAA:
Please, D.D. is so not on my team, thank heaven.
Dear Ted:
It seems people can't stop talking about how frustrated they are with Reese and Jake's "romance." I get it, but I am more irritated by the can-do-no-wrong Angelina Jolie getting away with acting like she is saving the world from unjust poverty, all while maintaining a life of excessive luxury. Has anyone noticed that this screams hypocrisy?
Dear Hypies:
Yep, you're preaching to the catty choir here on both counts, sweetie.
Dear Ted:
Please, pretty please, with loads of nonfattening goodness put out a book of all the Blind Vices and put in who they are if you've revealed them. Thanks for bringing a laugh and taking our minds off the real world.
—Ardleigh Street
Dear Pen It Out:
Sounds too fab, shall we call it The Talented Mr. Tile?
Good catch on the shoes Special!
You're right first Ted, and with that last letter Ted is saying he's as good as answered the TT BI. Or is he also hinting that one day he'll name him?
One more about Shafterella -- Cinderella is about a blonde and shoes with a Prince that needs to find a suitable girl.
tr said So maybe they both cheated? I don't know...my guess is that at some point they decided to have an "open" relationship.
true, but who the hell would bed Reese? A starving wannabe actor/starlet actress who needs a SAG card?
But everything ends up turning into a pumpkin at midnight, Spesh!
Austin Nichols, Oral Surgeon
He can poke around in my mouth!
[btw was Jake's story about the toothpaste costume before or after the 1st TT blind? Wonder if it has anything to do with the TT name, maybe something Jake made up as a teaser to Ted after he gave him the Toothy nic.]
Long running rumor about Reese and her shoe "shopping" habits.
Please explain shoe "shopping" habits.
I think she was caught lifting a few, and "forgot" to pay for them. :(
So classy! ROFLMAO
A sea of red in Philly today. Nothing like a parade.
The end of an unbelieveable season for the Phillies. What a blast. Can't wait till Spring training.
2009 World Series:
The Boston Red Sox
The Philadelphia Phillies
From Entertainment Lawyer:
This A list actress has a squeaky clean reputation and for the most part is well deserved. EXCEPT for the little scam she loves to play when fulfilling her shoe fetish. One thing about having children is they make a great cover story. Our actress had no fear when she had the children in tow. Pair after pair of shoes would be tried on and discarded. Too small, too big, just not right, until the salesperson would have twenty or thirty boxes of shoes out amongst our actress and her offspring. At that point she would be pleasant and ask the salesperson to just try one more pair. When the salesperson was in back, our actress would make an even bigger mess while taking three or four pairs of shoes and hiding them amongst strollers, backpacks and other baby necessities. When the salesperson would come back, our star makes an excuse about a toddler needing to eat or needing a bathroom and quickly leaving. Our star does not need the money, she just loves the thrill. Word has made the rounds among stores but no one wants to lose her business so they just keep quiet and let her play her game.
I bet anything this is Reese Witherspoon.
Remember in Cinderella the coach turned into the pumpkin. Cinderella was left to fend for herself. The Prince was back at the palace no doubt up all Knight. ; )
Jake as Boo Berry
"Seriously—we don't mean to toot our own horns here, but Jake channels his delicious inspiration right down to those half-cocked eyebrows, wonky smirk, and sleepy boo eyes."
More and more people are speaking out as the vote gets closer. MTV NO on 8!
Babblers and trolls all over Awful Truth as Waiting4Godot. A comment from somebody saying they don't have anything to do with us here and now OMG is defensive and Spesh and Wicked run a slash fanfic blog.
Boo Berry is just so Bootiful isn't he? Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;)
Prop 8 won't pass in California. Woohoo then I'll get to marry Bruno from the dog park if he'll have me. Ohno I hope he wasn't gelded too..whats the point of marrying a boy if we can' t have hot humpin human sex like Daddy?
I think we're in for interesting times ahead.... so much better than the coffee & shopping & walks in the park!
Can we hope for an ending to the bearding in the not too distant future? I hope so. I hope we eventually get a Jaustin pic too. Just might melt my hard heart. (a little bit)!
PS. Never thought Reese led a celibate life however uptight she may have seemed. They probably both cheated but to blame Ryan for all is wrong. But then that is the image conscious "America's sweetheart" Reese, at her crafty/conniving self.
US Reekly has a two page spread "One Year And Counting" about Reeke spending time together, Jake coming home for Deacon's birthday, spending alone time with him to reestablish their bond, going to Ojai, Reese's frequent visits etc.
Also quotes a source close to Ryan who agrees that Jake is a great guy to be around his children.
Written to correspond with the photo ops.
I always see trash can with my post but can't dig in it or tip it over or smell in it so you all can have mine.
"US Reekly has a two page spread "One Year And Counting" about Reeke spending time together, Jake coming home for Deacon's birthday, spending alone time with him to reestablish their bond, going to Ojai, Reese's frequent visits etc."
Yeah, but you that Reese brought out the big guns for the photo shoot-Deacon and then Deacon holding Jake's hand and walking together-because she wanted the cover. She must be pissed that she didn't get it. BTW, at my supermarket today, the magazine stands were just as full as last week with all those Vogue's with Reese smirking on the cover. Looks like nobody is buying it.
J. Gyllenhaal
Business Trip to Los Angeles
October 22-24 2008
First Class Ticket Non Stop $14,094
Transportation $1,000
Security $1,750
Keep for taxes
Posted by Gilda 6 on GossipRocks
"Reese's beard history
Just to clarify Reese's first became a beard in the mid 90's. I went to Stanford with her and she found her then boyfriend [Chris O’Donnell] getting a blowjob from another guy in a hollywood night club. She was devasted but stayed with him because she was just trying to get into acting. Her famous boyfriend was huge in the 90's. Now he is "happily" married and has 5 kids. She was a nightmare back then. Very cruel and condescending. She had only been in "Man on the Moon" but she acted like such a diva. Regardless, she cared so much about her image then I have no doubt that she is doing the same thing now.
She was just unbearable. At the time Laura (her first name) had only done like one movie, Man on the Moon. "Hi my name is Laura, but you probably know me as Reese (no actually I have never heard of you.) She was rude and condescending to her roommate, who I was good friends with. We had Tiger Woods and Fred Savage on campus who at the time were much bigger celebs and they were awesome and humble and she acted like the world revolved around her. She made fun of people, their clothes, and just acted like she was better than everyone. We were so glad when she dropped out. I 100% think Jake is toothy. I have a friend who still knows her and she says that Reese was very mean to Ryan and that she was always putting him down. I've asked her friend if Jake is gay but Reese denies it. And yes, great guess. It was Chris. She really was heartbroken and I felt bad for her."
Gossip Rocks
Good morning!
I don't know why I can't sleep in on Saturdays. Boiiiinnng! My eyes just pop open as usual.
Wow, I'm stunned at that Gossip Rocks find. Beard Gossip, however on earth did you stumble upon this? Is that just someone's blog? It looks like it. I didn't enlarge it for the full view; guess I could've seen if it was or not.
You know, I am beginning to really think this whole charade is going to backfire on them if they keep intensifying it like they are. They'd better cool it and I am chuckling as I say that in all seriousness because one just has to shake their head at them. The more they keep taking it over the top (the Myla's store fanfiction and now the infamous Jake with Deacon photos), it just produces reports like this?? It's like Ted is now; he's shoveling the coal onto the fire like there's no tomorrow. Maybe because like alot of people who post on OMG, they are getting so absolutely fed up with it all but, of course, we have no firsthand accounts to write of. All we can do is rant & rave a little bit in a single comment. But at some point, someone with first or secondhand knowledge is going to start hinting at a totally different version of their story. If they would've just carried it on for a little while or laid low, I don't think anyone would bother. But it's getting downright irritating and I think entries like this are a direct result of that irritation.
And this person's post on this Gossip Rocks almost sounds pretty valid. There's some details in that thing. The bit about Fred Savage & Tiger Woods. Who would ever think to mention Fred Savage? And he/she doesn't reveal who the bf was, but everyone else was guessing in their comments. And a couple of the descriptions of Reese & how she is in real life are jiving with some of the other "reports" that have emerged.
There's kind of too much smoke there if you know what I mean.
This seems to be a really interesting pop up of information.
Us Reekly
LOLLLLL!! Who coined that phrase, did you flf? That is a great kneeslapper. lol
That's one issue I'm not thumbing through while I stand in line at the counter. And thank goodness it's not on the outside cover. Being's as it's in a two-page article, plus the fact that it's in Us Reekly, seems to scream planned Photo-Op.
I mean, just remembering the body stances during the succession of those photos of Reese, Jake, & Deacon? Jake is standing behind Deacon. As if purely an observer. He's not standing beside Deacon. I think there's some significance there. If he was as close to being a "stepdad" to these kids as all the rags would have us believe, he would've been crouching over at the waist or kneeling beside Deacon, just like Reese was, because whatever was bothering or upsetting the little boy would've been an immediate concern to him. It couldn't help but be. Again, I draw from my own experience with my niece & nephew (granted they're not my kids, but my family has had countless weekends & entire weeks with them, so at times they almost feel that way for awhile). When something has them upset, you are immediately physically drawn to them because your first thought is to comfort. There is no direct eyecontact or body closeness between Jake & Deacon. And this is where Reese & Jake mess up. You can't force kids to like you or show their affection. They may do what they're told, i.e. walk down a sidewalk holding hands or comply with a suggestion (wanna get up on my shoulders?), but they're not going to do all the other come-natural actions that little kids just normally do.
Again, I don't know about you all? But every little kid I see in the stores, restaurants, etc. with their families? They can't walk in a straight line for nothing. They're skipping. They're hopping. They're running their hands all over everything. They're jumping up & down on cracks or avoiding cracks. They're a boundless hobnob of energy. It is just so strange to always see her children be so solemn and sedate acting.
Oops, sorry!sorry! for the long rant. Got carried away.
Well, another Halloween come & gone. Time to put away the Halloween decorations and get out my pilgrims & turkeys. Time to do the ol' clothes "switcheroo". Ugh. And it's supposed to be like 69 degrees today. We're supposed to have low-mid 70's through the beginning of this week. This weather is crazy.
Then it's a birthday luncheon for my sister at some place called Pepperjacks (I think that's what it's called). We're meeting a group of girls/ladies that is sure to be a good hoot. We're a real hodgepodge of single gals and one in particular is just one of those unique "life of the party" types. You know one of those? I mean, this person just ignites the starter. They are loud & they are funny & they just make the train go. This girl is one of those - I don't know absolutely anybody else like her. She is very early 40's and she is right now undergoing a career change going towards nursing. Working full time and going to school/lab, horrid courses like Chemistry & Body Anatomy. Her stories about her practices at the hospitals are real Guffaw-fests. But I so admire her for going back to school. I think that's just incredible. Anyway, I am really looking forward to seeing everyone & having some real good laughs.
Dang, lookit the time. I need to get moving. Aren't weekends just the best? Just love that Friday evening, Saturday morning feeling...
I have a friend who still knows her and she says that Reese was very mean to Ryan and that she was always putting him down.
What a bitch.
Good morning, smiley!
This report sounds kinda legit, doesn't it? In a way, it's kind of sad.
Hey, Special, check your email when you get the chance, ok? I sent you a message.
Okay, now to tackle these decorations....
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