Some think that the only reason Jake is back in LA is for Reese. Of course it not like it's his home or anything. Couldn't be that simple could it ?
Top Ten reasons I really came home. - J.G.
10. Homesick from seeing those damn Visit California commercials on ITV.
9. Unlike politics - Driving I prefer the right.
8. Getting to preview the Prince of Persia action figure with kung fu grip. Wait that's not right - the kung fu grip is for me or for him or is it for me? Damn that jet lag.
7. Cause "It Never Rains in Southern California" 6. Need to pick up my outfit for the WeHo and Village high holiday (Halloween) No more monkeying around for me. I want some thing super special! this year.
5. Doctor's appointment. Hit the gym. Bump into Ted.4. Atticus is tired of walking the mean streets of Brentwood, and needs a little Malibu.
3. Wanted to surprise someone when he gets home from NC. - Thanks again paparazzi
2. Jen's pregnant?!?!? Oh honey we gotta talk.
1. Wanted to beat the rush and VOTE. (And I like the stickers)
Friday, October 23 and Saturday October 24th,
starting Friday at 5:00PM EST.
This month's movie is My Beautiful Launderette.
Spooky is covering the Austin beat today. Check it out for some Austin OTH news.
Austin Nichols Journal
Hard to believe Elliott Smith has been gone 5 years. I miss you, Elliott. Thanks for the song, Spesh.
You could have a second career writing for David Letterman. I especially like reasons 2-4.
Posted on WFT2:
"Which press-hungry duo keeps moving simply to keep themselves in the headlines? They claim that they need to move because of work demands. However, one half of the couple recently confessed to a friend that they strategically court projects requiring long-distance relocation to feed the press newsworthy material. They do some very public house-hunting, make a big splash in the new city, and then drag the child(ren) around with a whole new crew of paparazzi in close pursuit. When the act gets stale and they start slipping out of the headlines, they hit the road again." [BlindGossip]
What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
Sounds like Brangelina to me.
IHJ - they have pics.
Do we know if he is going to LA or if he is hopping off somewhere in between. Since the caption is that he is leaving Heathrow for LA, not Jake arriving in LA.
The flight may say the final destination LAX but the there could be a stop in NYC to unload and load passengers.
Just a thought.
What's this redness on his neck, some allergy?
The flight may say the final destination LAX but the there could be a stop in NYC to unload and load passengers.
That's what I like about you, Special, that mind is always churning! Always thinking. I never think of these things. He does seem to be wanting to be incognito - the sunglasses inside?
I agree with you, Destiny. That BI sounds like Brad & Angelina. I never saw a pair that traipse around like they do. They constantly live out of suitcases. I never would've thought they'd be press hungry but you know what? At least when their pictures are taken, they aren't ducking, hanging coats over their heads, walking backwards, etc. etc. They do seem to handle the press very well. You know the cameras must follow them around like crazy.
Definately sense we're in for a weekend of Reeking. Maybe we should have a competition to guess the cheesiest picture to emerge.
Based on previous form, I'll suggest a combination of puppies / ballons / a flower stall / coffee / and possibly a small child.
Reese has somehow got to keep Jennifer Aniston from next weeks tabloid front pages.
Actually just as I posted that, the most horrible thought occured to me. Are we going to be treated to an 'at home' on the ranch at Ojai. You know such a sickfest is probably coming so you have been warned... buckets at the ready folks.
Looking on tne bright side:
Maybe I'll lose some extra pounds Ive been wanting to get off from barfing.
Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse,
When you're chewing life's gristle,
Don't grumble,
Give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Hee! There's always a bright side -
Let's see, got my barf bag, economy size bottle of Pepto, and an economy size bottle of Scotch. Anything else we'll need for a Reeking weekend? ;)
Why give them ideas. PR can't have is people ignoring Reeke, so do it - ignore 'em. Don't make it a big deal. Best way to piss'em all off.
dear blah blah but that means ignoring one's favorite blogs and blog chums - and the good company that hopes there are better times in view.
doesnt work for me, Im afraid.
Single malt, here I come.
The sight of Tracy at that moment affected me in a way I can't fully explain. Part of it was that she was spying; but mostly it was her face. Who knew how high she would climb in life? How many people would suffer because of her? I had to stop her... now!
"buckets at the ready folks."
You guys are a scream. Yes, get ready for the Reeke-barf-fest! I have my bottled water and pepto bismol ready ... not! I'm not going to let these sleazy bozos ruin my weekend. I have better things to do, like brushing my teeth!
LOL Jim.
I'm too busy worrying about Obama and Prop. 8, and I'll be making sure I have plenty of tequila on hand for the weekend.
Speaking of which, Rachel Maddow has doubled the audience that watches MNSBC in her time slot, and is #2 among all similar programs like Larry King, Fox when it comes to the demographics that matter most to advertisers. Really begs the question as to why Anderson Cooper doesn't break that glass ceiling.
Well, speaking for myself, I was only being sarcastic. Actually, I'm hoping whatever happens, if anything does, will resolve this "sitch" as Ted would say, once and for all. Other than that, I'm going to make myself scarce, except to discuss My Beautiful Laundrette with OMG. :)
You know I will be singing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" all afternoon and whistling as I work.
Thanks : )
First of all Jake flying directly to LA without stopping in NYC is ridiculous. Jake was in NYC. The question we don't know is how long. There is no doubt in my mind that Jake hooked up with Austin in NYC or somewhere on the East Coast. No doubt in my mind.
^^^^^^^^^ More Prayers!
XXXXXXXXX Fingers still crossed!
Rachel Maddow has doubled the audience that watches MNSBC in her time slot, and is #2 among all similar programs like Larry King, Fox when it comes to the demographics that matter most to advertisers.
Really?! That is FANTASTIC! :) Just saw her show for the first time this past weekend.
Rachel has been consistently beating her competition. She just had a profile in the NY Times, and just to toot our own OMG horn, weeks after OMG's Out Spotlight. : )
It is interesting about Austin being cast as Sophia's love interest. You wonder if he's stay on OTH will translate into something more than just 10 episodes or will it just be a vehicle to move Sophia/Brooke's story in the group with a new dimension.
Ryan and Abbie to spend Thanksgiving with his kids
Probably means a Reeke Turkey Day. Plus, today is Deacon's birthday. I really hope Jake did not come stateside for a kid birthday photo op.
Thanksgiving Reese will be sitting by the blackberry/phone/fax eating her jar of baby food turkey special waiting for the returns on Four Christmases and if she's gotta knock a couple more million off her price. Jake will be doing Thanksgiving with Mom, Dad, Maggie or the Nichols.
Interesting that Abbie announced their plans for Thanksgiving. Especially with all the Reeking and Reese's movie coming out I think it's hilarious that Abbie is making herself known in the press, Reese is probably furious and Ryan was off in London so he can claim ignorance although he probably was unaware that Abbie was going to give quotes.
After reading that Abbie interview, look at the glaring diferences between what she says and what Reese says. Abbie says she loves Ryan, he's a great cook, he's great with his kids, he's fun to be with. All Reese says is he's very supportive and after mentioning her kids says she's very lucky. Reese has supposedly been with Jake almost 2yrs and all she can say is supportive while Abbie is gushing about so many things. Maybe Reese should take pointers from Abbie.
Jake is great for me. He supports me in all I do. I'm So Lucky to be surrounded by people who love me so much. I am truly blessed.
TR, are you implying that Abbie is getting in some digs at Reeke? :-D
The Okay article sure reads that way.
Hey guys, finished the business part of my trip and arrived in Boston late this afternoon. A bit exhausted so will defer sightseeing till tomorrow.
I've made the trip from Europe to SF a couple times (about the same as London to LA). I realize I am a lot older, but Jake will be jet lagged for at least 3 days. I am guessing his primary interest is to see BabyTile, Austin and Atticus. I have my barf bag ready for the fauxmance portion.
I have not even turned on a tv in the past few days, but it seems not too much advertising for 4 xmases movie. Am I missing the hype or is the studio not even bothering with it?
I wont be able to watch Laundrette due to travel, but have seen it at least 5 times over the years so will try to give my input tomorrow regardless.
Hi m from last night!
Have been up & at it for awhile; managed to get the sheets & towels done & they are a'tossin in the dryer. I am not even going to try and anticipate/guess what is going to happen this weekend. Who knows with these 2. I'm glad I won't have to think about it all weekend as I am going camping.
HAAAAA! Me - camping. I dunno. That's like sticking Martha Stewart in a mudwrestling ring. Doesn't quite fit at all. I like the "romance" of it all, the "idea" of camping. Outdoors, pretty view, hot dogs over the fire & marshmallows, uh-that's about it. But it'll be a real escape weekend with my good childhood friend & sister, alot of good chatter, hopefully some antique shopping, no computer, no TV, no nothing. Well - the IPOD is going.
Hey, I heard a Great song this morning on VH-1. It's "If I Were a Boy" by Beyonce. Normally, I've never liked any of Beyonoce's music, don't know why, but I love this song. The video is real eye candy. It's done in black & white and it's about being faithful with your BF/GF. Her boyfriend/husband (can't tell which they're supposed to be) is fantastic looking and so is her police partner. The scenes of her & her police partner are hot. And Beyonce looks great in her police uniform and then her partner looks great. Then later in the video, her BF becomes the cop and geez, what is it about a uniform, no matter if it's a boy or girl, they look fantastic in it. Anyway, I love that song.
Only 1/2 day today of work. Taking 1/2 day of Big V. Got to smash in my walk, the annual ethnic bake sale @ the Orthodox church down the street, and then run up to Lenexa to a Nazarene church for their annual fall craft show. Hope everyone has a great Austin Friday, a great weekend, and see ya.
Oh, and my input for Beau. Laundrette - I DIDn't Get IT! Didn't get it - so it's just as well I am not around cause I couldn't contribute anything.
Special, I hope you haven't disabled this day yet after typing all this. That happened to me before. Grrrrr! We'll see.
Have a great time camping PG. Haven't heard the new Beyonce, but she is probably the only current pop singer whose music is on my ipod. I think I like her stuff because it reminds me of the dance music I enjoyed when I was younger.
And a handy hint PG, after you finish typing a long post, copy it in case you lose it; sometimes blogger acts up on its own, so I've learned the hard way to copy my posts.
Hey PG, one of my goals in life is never, ever to go camping! Have fun anyway! :)
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