What a difference between coming and going. Look for yourself. Just a "bit" of tension on the way to LA and a lighter mood when back in London. Is that a smile? What's the difference? Could it be that the business trip is done. Or is it the baggage he's lost? Imagine if he really lightened the load for good. Maybe just leave it on the carousel to keep running round and round on its own.
Looks like Ted is taking this whole business down a peg or two with his strongest statement about the whole thing. Whoa! He might be legally blond but he's sure not of fan of the other legally blonde. And we're not talking the new musical either. The mystery is what really did happen to cause this blond vs. blonde situation. Highlights?
But Jake isn't the only getting pegged because last night on One Tree Hill, Austin's Julian Baker is getting pegged as the very bad boy for this season. And it looks like he's gonna be very very bad. And that's in the very best way.
Missed the episode? Or for some want to watch him walk past the pool table one more time?
For those in the U.S. and Canada you can catch the whole episode at Fancast.com. (Last night's episode should be up by the end of the day) For those outside of U.S. - am turning to the super skills of Hjulia and Spooky for help.
Now you're own your own find all the rest of the meanings and uses for the word peg. But this one comes from the way back machine and a quirky little song from Rolf Harris.

With my extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
Wherever I go through rain and snow
The people always let me know
There's Jake the peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With his extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle
Today's its Austin's turn for Halloween costumes ideas and we go straight to the movies for inspiration. How could you not with such a cinephile.

First there's Pygar from Roger Vadim's 60's futuristic sci fi Barbarella. The blind and innocent angel Pygar who's seduced by a famous sibling from a Hollywood family (Jane Fonda) . And hey a heavenly creature with no shirt -that sounds like a mash up of a couple of Austin's projects. The advantage of this one is that Robert Rodriquez is remaking Barbarella and production has been pushed back to 2010 - Austin could celebrated Halloween and show what he's got for casting. One word of caution just don't show up at the studio and pull a Sean Young/Catwoman thing.
The other advantage? Heard something about a certain fellow who has a thing for birds -a goose particularly and well Pygar's got the feathers, wings and lives in a nest.

The other option? A Peter Sellers! Hey it was "Shot in the Dark". And it is the easiest costume since a Santa hat. Just a guy and a guitar - you just have to make sure that strap is securely fastened. Or would you have to? Talk about a G-string.
You can see the difference in the pictures. He walked to plane going to LAX like dead man walking.
I'll be singing Jake the Peg all day. Gee thanks Spesh.
Bad Austy. Yummmmmm
Didn't watch OTH last night. I really, really hate those kind of shows. Is it worth watching it for Austy or not? Is his part big enough and is he good enough to make it worth my while?
OTH is not my usual cup of tea. Yes there are parts of the show I going -you've got to be kidding me. But then Austin looks like he's gonna get mixed up in a lot of different story lines, and that he's going to be the bad boy spoiler for the season so it's definitely worth it to me to keep up with it.
There is a Film Noir style episode (Chad Michael Murray wrote it) that parallels the present OTC in a few weeks and yeah Austin is in it too. And I think he's gets to wear one of his more favorite accessories - suspenders/braces as part of the period costume.
Wow, these pics of Jake are like Night and Day. Liking the idea of the Barbarella Halloween costume too. Cute post! ;)
I watched OTH last night. And guess what I dreamed of Austin, just like how he looked. Delicious. We were outside my house and he wanted to come in and see my bedroom. And then- opps I better stop I don't want to get removed by admin.
Yea I noticed the difference looks on Jake. He looked tense and nervous going to LA and relaxed and happy going out. you just know the babblers are going to say its from all the hot sex with Reese. Yea riiiiiight.
Special/Destiny (??) I agree we don't know if Jake flew to NY after LA on Friday but the problem I have with it is why did he go to LA for 2 days and then backtrack. Possible but I dunno. If theres a BT wouldn't it be in LA/California than cold NY. And Austin's busy filming in NC. When they film it isn't M-F 9-5 so its not like he automatically had the weekend off to go to NY. I think Jake disappeared the last 3 days to visit who he rteally came to visit and it wasn't Reese.
Been having major problems getting the comments link to display on this post. After I finally got into the comments and had to get out, I couldn't see them again on the screen. I'm adding my two cents now while I have access.
I’ve been dreading the idea of watching OTH, but I made the sacrifice in order to see Austin. I think it was well worth it. Austin looked fantastic and I think he’s going to be excellent in this bad guy role. His acting has improved dramatically in just a couple of years. He can not only pull off this character, he can also make Julian Baker into the character that “you love to hate” as he said in his interview. His cuteness is gone so he can really embody the role with both his looks and talent. Can't wait for the film noir episode.
We were outside my house and he wanted to come in and see my bedroom. And then-
LOL! I was wondering the same thing, Smiley!!
C'mon, Chris!
That's funny. You're a riot, Chris.
Hey, here's a question, non J/A related. You're driving down the highway/road, and oh, here coming the other way, looks like..looks like...yeah, it's a cop/sheriff.
Does your foot automatically let up off the gas even though you may not even be going over the speed limit? Destiny, Clarity, & Special, you don't count as you don't own wheels.
I just got back & this industrial park has an adult detention center in it, so it is always swimming with sheriffs & cops. This came up in class 2 weeks ago and the pastor even said she doesn't like to see cops parked off in hiding, waiting to catch somebody. lol. I thought it was kind of funny.
I missed OTH totally. DWTS and then I was traveling home. I was beat last night.
Is it worth watching it for Austy or not? Is his part big enough and is he good enough to make it worth my while?
lol, Wicked. That was kind of whiny! :D
Had to change my avatar for Halloween. Little Sally. "Tricks or Treats!"
I gotta go. Another shortened lunch hour. Hope everybody's having a great day. We are having some absolutely awesome weather. It's supposed to be mid-60's all week and the trees are still just blooming reds/oranges/& yellows like crazy.
Omg I just realized..another difference in Jake pics..he looks glum goiung to LA and happy leaving, right? Happy and energetic going back to london where *theres a 9 hour time difference* but it makes no difference to him that he's 9 hours behind. THAT makes the difference between the pics even more revealing.
Cops? I slow down to look at them to see if they're cute.
The Austin dream..he came in to my bedroom and half sat on my bed table next to my bed and started talking about how he has a big white clock and its really sleek and beautiful and how it works great and keeps good time and never out of order. He touched it and kept describing it while running his big hand on top of it and looking at me and then he said I should try it out and see how good and dependable it is, functional and beautiful at the same time. It would wake me up everyday in a nice way and I would love it. Did I say clock? Now where did that L come from.
lol, Wicked. That was kind of whiny! :D
I don't really watch any TV aside from sports, and OTH has struck me as a show I would particularly hate. I don't like TV shows as a rule and hate commercials so if I'm going to watch something it has to be great. Based on the comments, I might watch, I might not. I infer from people's writings that Austin is good but the show is not, unfortunately.
opps I better stop I don't want to get removed by admin.
You probably wouldn't be! ;) Plus, I think people want to hear more!
Wicked you could watch on Fancast.com
There are minimal commercials I think only 3 15-second ones and you can alway whiz past the stuff in the story you don't want watch.
Of course you can do the same thing with a DVR too but it just one more viewing option.
Ratchet made it to the U.S.
Ratchet's Return
Ted is the best. :)
I love this post :) Austin is totally the new Pygar. I want it as much as Austin as the new Caligula :D
Looks like there won't be any "Austin and Sophia are in love!" stories in the magazines.
Chad Michael Murray just revealed during an interview that Sophia is dating her co-star James Lafferty.
I love this post Special. So many great things in it. I can so see Austin in either one of those costumes, and I really want to see that luggage on the carousel. I also had the same thought about those photos of Jake the minute I saw them.
Also enjoying your dream Chris about Austin's "clock". :-D
Wicked, since you're not a real tv watcher to begin with, I suspect you wouldn't like OTH. OTH is not something I'd watch if not for Austin, mostly because even when things are going wrong for someone there is still an undercurrent of sunniness to it. But at the same time it's kind of grown on me--I've now watched 3 episodes because I wanted to know what was going on and figure out the characters before I saw Austin's episode.
I think the character Austin is playing is going to make a big difference for me, and I think he is going to be really good. The first few introductory scenes I was kind of thinking, he's okay, but this doesn't seem too interesting. And then the final scene you see he's a completely different person, and his performance all of a sudden grabbed me. And it's a more subtle kind of acting, as opposed to JFC.
Maybe it doesn't need to be said, but to sum it up, I think Austin's acting in OTH does show his growth as an actor, despite the limitations of the show.
I really didn't think we'd get an Austin-Sophia romance, but nice to have that confirmed.
I have a few minutes before I need to leave for class.
I wanted to throw a "I miss Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau" into the fishpond. I loved those movies, although I don't think Shot In the Dark was one of my favorites. My favorite was Revenge of the Pink Panther where Insp. Clouseau was walking on the pier in the fog and he had a peg leg and the parrot on his shoulder. Every once in awhile, that bird would start deflating and Clouseau would pump his arm rapidly, trying to blow that bird back up. Lol! Oh my dog, he was absolutely so stupid & hilarious in those movies.
Now here's a "duh" moment! This is kind of embarrassing. I've mentioned how beautiful our leaves have been for awhile and while they are, I was noticing tonight as I was walking that my brown tinted sunglasses were enhancing all the trees' colors trifold. What was a beautiful golden color was really a greenish/yellow when I removed my sunglasses. What was a vibrant red/orange was really a more subdued reddish brown or reddish green. LOL! How stupid is that. I'm laughing right now it's so lame.
Uh, Wicked, based on your TV watching criteria & limitations, maybe you might need to forgo the OTH show, lol.
You better watch it, you're getting as fun to tease as Special. Don't get me started.
I'm still trying to decipher the fantasy ice skating. Is that like fantasy football?
I've got to go; don't want to be late.
How the do you look a picture of Reeke, see a three legged man and find stuff on YouTube? And find a picture of Peter Sellers naked wearing a guitar and think Austin? Girl you boggle the mind.
LOL I agree great post. You have a great imagination.
It's very interesting to note that when you all put your heads together and start to question something (like the fact that Reeke were only sighted on Thurs and Fri) within a day or two a logical explanation appears. For example now we have a nice story about Jake and Reese getting away for romance and family bonding in Ojai after SKIPPING down the sidewalk with Deacon.
So the two things that caused negative comments (Deacon being miserable and no appearances during the rest of the weekend) have been dealt with. There is a picture of Ava and Deacon with their nanny at Ryan's house and it's tagged as being taken on the weekend but that could be wrong it could have been Monday.
I'm just awestruck at the quick specific response. I don't know why I'm surprised though they do it every time.
Tell me again that Reese and Jake don't care what people say about them on the internet. So believable, that particular argument.
Low Key Lovebirds who release an itinerary to MSN
tr.. at this stage it all become rather comical and a bit embarassing. love the skipping down the street comment.. if that's skipping.....
I really didn't think we'd get an Austin-Sophia romance, but nice to have that confirmed.
From Star Magazine December 2008
On the hot steamy set of One Tree Hill a massive fight to the death between two of its male stars is brewing. last month Sophia Bush was reportedly dating her co-star James Lafferty. But our inside sources say that new addition Austin Nichols has been pursuing the gorgeous brunette and he and Lafferty have come to blows over the sexy lass. Reports are that they had to be separated by the crew and now the two actors refuse to talk to each other. Keep checking back here at Star for the latest developments!
Do you know babytiles name?
James and
Tallulah Belle, twins.
" (... ) the petite Oscar winner and the lately strapping, stringy-haired actor "
Um btw hot inland Ojai was miserably around 96F over the w/e. Not anywhere to be IMO. Skipping? BS.
Thanks for the comment and link tr. Politicians are beginning to look honest compared to Reeke.
I'd think because Jake likes To Kill Mockingbird the kid would be Scout or Calpurnia for a girl, Dill or Jem for a boy.
Remember Ted saying about BF Tile/Gray Goose going to be the daddy of record, even with their mutual contributions in the making.
Something to think about - birth records are matter of public record - so do you go for a name that's going to be like giant over here - woo hoo over here - like Tallulah Gyllenhaal or do you go with something that doesn't draw as much attention something like James Nichols?
Ava and Deacon over the weekend
So which source is lying?
Isn't Tallulah Belle the name of one of Demi Moore's and Bruce Willis' daughters?
Yes and her sisters are Scout LaRue and Rumer Glenn
It looks like the nanny is picking up Deacon and Ava from Ryans' place in West Hollywood. It says weekend, so it could be Saturday or Sunday. The MSN bit says that Reese and Jake picked up the kids to take them to Ojai after breakfast on Saturday. If this picture is from Saturday then it looks like it was the nanny that picked them up and took them home or Ojai or wherever. It looks like the are leaving since she is headed for the car with all their bags.
There were pics of Ryan and Deacon earlier in the week of them at karate class and again the nanny picked him up and took him home.
Is this something new because i don't recall seeing the nanny act as go between before (as far as pap pics) or was this just because Deacon's birthday was Thursday.
So no, i wouldn't call it lying because obviously they are leaving to go somewhere, now wheather it was back home to Reese in Brentwood because it was her turn to have them for the weekend or Ojai is something we will never no,
Funny how everyone gets their knickers in a twist over speculation that Jake might have headed to NYC on Friday. The fact they feel the need to account for his time only makes me more certain he was nowhere near L.A. PR really is pathetic.
Interesting to read the comments on Ted, sounds like most of them (other than the JIS posters) were not the usual ones you see on a TT story.
Regarding the Star story, we all know they make up the most outrageous stories. Can't see pr thinking that a story about fighting on the set would be a good thing, and it sure doesn't jive with CMM talking about what a nice guy Austin is.
PG, I like your avatar.
From Sun, 10/26 on OMG blogger via P-Girl:
But you know what, PR? You're going to have to rehearse this some more or do better coaching. The child is supposed to look like they're enjoying it. They're supposed to swing the arms back & forth, back & forth, back & forth. And alot of times, there is skipping involved because children in this age range cannot walk in a straight path for squat.
This is unbelievable. Are we supposed to believe that the Flynet paps passed up a golden opportunity to snap pics of Jake & Deacon skipping down the sidewalk? That we have the verbal account & play by play, but no pictures? That would've been the fluff n stuff that makes up a PR's dream.
You know what, PR? Put me on the stinkin payroll if you want material and fodder for your leaks to the rags and net.
This store is closed. slam!
Guys, I can't stinkin believe this. Excuse my language & excessive use of the word stinkin. That's as strong as I can get. Are there honest to gosh lurkers here from the enemy lines? Do we have to patent our comments, lol? Get a trademark symbol? What in the heck?
They lurk on the GB blog and IHJ as well. US used quotes from GB from an insider that knows someone that is working on Pop describing Jake's working relationship with his co-stars. They also used speculation on how often Jake and Reese see each other while he is filming.
For awhile IHJ had problems with sites like Jared, gawker and Defamer (mostly for usiing pics without credit) but sometinmes posters would post encounters and stuff like that and that would use that.
Other sites and gossip bloggers and rags have for years gleamed info from fan sites, it's been happening for years, so be warned what you post here will and can be used elsewhere. It's just too easy.
Ahem. Pardon that little outburst. Now on to more sedate conversation.
Thanks, Destiny! Don't you love little Sally in that? And then in the Christmas show? "All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share." lol! It's hard to believe Halloween is 3 days away and then it's November.
I just have to laugh now at all this business. Reeke is so overdoing it, overtrying it, overacting it, overplaying it, and overstaying their welcome. Meg is right - it's really just getting to the point of being comical. There are flaws & holes & gaps in everything they try and then they try to patch it up afterwards. Very sloppily, too. Do you know that in People magazine, the "delicate" garment mentioned that Reese purchased at that Myla's was some Pajamas set or something. I think somebody here mentioned that but didn't know where they saw it. Well, it was in People mag because I saw it. I just can't remember for sure which it was, but it was mentioned as some sort of pajamas. So we have the Purple K State ensemble, the businesswear camisole & underwear duo, and now the Cat's pajamas. Didn't Vanessa The Store Clerk Whatever Her Name Was for gosh sakes remember what in the heck Jake slapped down on the counter?? Why can't they get their facts straight? Man, if you're going to spread a story, at least get everybody in sync and on the same page. It looks bad when you don't.
PG, we've often suspected that PR lurks on this site. I had something similar happen to me. I asked Special to play U2's "All I Want is You", a song with lyrics that make me think of J&A. Special played it, and a few days later we got a story about how Reese allegedly asked Jake what he wanted for his birthday, and that Jake allegedly said "all I want is you." There are plenty of other examples, I'm sure.
And PG, I suspect PR tries to pry information out of us too. IMO Popcorn could have been a troll, or PR trying to figure out why we're all so convinced Baby Tile exists so that they can do something to counter our reasoning.
Interesting Both Sides.
Well, lurker, I hear what you're saying; I just find it so unbelievable that they would have the nerve to use what they read. Actually, I have no doubt they look - it's the best place to get a feel for fan reaction to their client. But to borrow Joe/Jane Q Public's ramblings and insert it into your own fake story? Well, it stinks to high heaven.
Destiny, I can't let it stop me from commenting, tho. It's too much fun. I guess I'll just have to call them out on it whenever it happens. Better yet, I'm going to send the PR company a resume and request to be put on the payroll as an outside, outsourced consultant. lol
They kind of got it wrong anyway. It's the child who skips, not the adult, lol. I think they need to send this readymade family to SmallTown USA and have them do some intense observations and note taking because the script (not to mention the acting) that they're working with right now is not a good one, lol.
Oh gosh, it's 2200 hrs. I've got to turn in. What a short night. Hey, it's been fun, anyway. You all are a riot to hang with, you know that? And now I'm going to just skip to my lou to my lil bedroom. Then skip to the bath to brush the teeth. Then skip to bed.
Sweet dreams, everyone. Nite, Destiny!
My feeling is we're dammed if we do and dammed if we don't, so you shouldn't let it stop you PG, unless of course you have something you don't want to see splashed in the tabloids next week. And don't give away any state secrets. :-D
Good night everybody, and sweet dreams indeed.
Actually, one more thing. Is it laziness, stupidity as to how to fake a relationship, or a spite that drives them to copy fan sites? A combination of all 3? And then pr wonders why we're not buying it? I guess that supports the stupidity argument.
I asked Special to play U2's "All I Want is You", a song with lyrics that make me think of J&A. Special played it, and a few days later we got a story about how Reese allegedly asked Jake what he wanted for his birthday, and that Jake allegedly said "all I want is you."
OMFG are you fucking serious?! LMAO!! LOL!! I read this 20 minutes ago and I'm still laughing. holy shit. Did they have Reese reply "You Too!" ROTFLMAO
Reese thinks she's God Part 2. Wherever she shows up for another photo op with Jake she's probably thinking its like When Love Comes To Town but really its more like The Star Spangled Banner: we all know that tune by now we could repeat it in our sleep. Maybe Jake will soon give up the bearding and say Freedom For My People but it looks like his PR is more worried about what the Heartland thinks of him, not what he thinks of himself so they're All Along The Watchtower trying to Bullet The Blue Sky into believing Reeke is real. Austin probably says Love Rescue Me as a mantra all the time now. Too bad Jaustin has no Pride (In The Name Of Love). Baby Tile might be Silver And Gold now but bound to be feeling Helter Skelter later on when he/she finds out a fake family and not him/her was Jake's real Desire. Thank you Wicked and Special K - this OMGodot site has been an Angel Of Harlem, goodness in the middle of confusion. As for you and me my fellow OMGers, don't know about you but with Jake and Austin and what I thought they were - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.
I think Reese reads this site. Maybe Jake but definately Reese. How could they not? Shit, you fucking KNOW they do. To hell with "PR" - it's THEM.
Hi Reese!
I was thinking about that flatbag Jake was carrying. It probably had Deacon's birthday card in it. The $3.99 card that Reese bought and gave to Jake at Breakfast for him to take home and sign it and then bring it back to her so she could give it to Deacon with the gift she picked out and bought that Jake was giving to Deacon too but there was no need to bring it all the way from home to Breakfast, just the card in the flat brown bag. Thats probably why Deacon was confused and pissed off on friday because Jake asked him how he liked the cool videogame he got him and Deacon knew damn well the gift he opened with the card signed Uncle Jake was another frigging Legally Blonde Franklin Mint limited edition collectors plate.
Goodnight Reese! Its dark now so you can go ahead and put your trash in the neighbors bin.
Good Morning Jake! Start growing some today. You have 2 weeks until they're cut off again!
See U2 later!
So J&R spent the weekend in Ojai and didn't get one pap pic? Not even one of all of them getting into the car/ or returning from Ojai? LOL
PR always go through the blogs looking for feedback so they can fix up "mistakes"! as far as I know, no one refers to Reese as teeny tiny anymore. Nor are they spotting any unicorns during their phot ops either. ha!
Skipping with Deacon??!! Are these people for real?
I just feel something is not right in Reekedom...well, will wait & see
As for the grin on Jake's face returning to London, yes, the business trip was over but mostly, he got to spend the weekend with Daddy Longlegs, right? :)
Love Jake the peg and his third leg! LOL
"IMO Popcorn could have been a troll, or PR trying to figure out why we're all so convinced Baby Tile exists so that they can do something to counter our reasoning."
...you aren't even joking, are you? You really do believe that that is a possibility.
*stifles guffaw*
I'm sorry, but why would I need to do anything to counter the "reasoning" behind anyone's belief in Baby Tile? Firstly this "reasoning" is based on nothing but wishful thinking and a mind-boggling faith in Ted Casablanca and secondly it's a belief held by an absolutely microscopically small group of people. I mean, this place has about ten regular posters and half of them don't seem to believe in Baby Tile.
Look, you can delude yourself into thinking that PR takes some great interest in the goings on of OMG if you want. You can read some incredible significance into the fact that someone reported that Reese used a common expression that also happens to be the title of a U2 that you requested. Hell, you can go all the way over the edge of sanity and believe that Jake and Reese read OMG themselves (hi there rattle and hum), but please don't try to involve me in your delusions, thanks.
Honestly, I truly do hope this site is around for years to come, because the excuses you're going to have to come up with to explain the continued non-existence of Baby Tile are going to be fascinating :)
Sophia Bush is dating James Lafferty. That's her costar from One Tree Hill. As you may know, her ex-husband, Chad Michael Murray, is also her co-star on One Tree Hill. These people have a small, small world. [Just Jared]
You know popcorn, what really fascinates me is, why "an absolutely microscopically small group of people." with "nothing but wishful thinking and a mind-boggling faith in Ted Casablanca" bothers you so much?
I mean, reading the rant above, your panties are in one hell of a wad!
So I ask you again - why do you monitor this place?
And give a straight answer - Don't wanna end up in the S Palin list now, do we?
"You know popcorn, what really fascinates me is, why "an absolutely microscopically small group of people." with "nothing but wishful thinking and a mind-boggling faith in Ted Casablanca" bothers you so much?"
OMG and its posters don't bother me.
"I mean, reading the rant above, your panties are in one hell of a wad!"
You think I'm angry? The *stifles guffaw" wasn't a big enough clue to my emotional state?
"So I ask you again - why do you monitor this place?"
Hee, "monitor"? Aww, did "read" not convey the right Orwellian tone?
"And give a straight answer - Don't wanna end up in the S Palin list now, do we?"
Straight answer? Okay! I read OMG because the people and the posts fascinate and amuse me. I find it fascinating that people can construct such elaborate fantasises based not just on scant evidence but on actual non-evidence. Reeke being photographed together is proof that their relationship is fake, Jaustin not being photographed together is proof that there relationship is real.
Baby Tile is just...just a whole other league. But again, so strong is that delusion held by some people that nothing but the slow passage of time will shake that one, and even then Ted always has the option of pulling a dramatic twist there when the continued non-existence of BT starts to raise doubts as to his credibility.
And, come on, how could I not be amused by the suggestion that Jake or Reese might be reading this blog, or that I'm a PR agent and that "we" construct stories using lines taken from a U2 song because we read it on OMG? I mean, seriously, come on.
And, since you mentioned people ranting and getting their panties in a bunch...oh, hey there Orville! That's quite a foul tongue you've got there...actually, make that foul "keyboard", unless you're using your tongue to type, in which case you really would have a foul tongue. I'd ask you to explain yourself (and which body part you use to type your rants) but alas! You just read my name and scroll right on by, which means you have no idea what I'm saying. Which is a shame since I was going to tell you what an amazing person you are and that I am sure you are smart, sophisticated and devastatingly attractive to members of all sexes.
But you might get lucky. Some kind soul might quote that part of my post so that you can get to read it! Fingers crossed :)
I read OMG because the people and the posts fascinate and amuse me.
We are not amused by your BS posts.
god is that thing still talking? someone turn off that tired machine.
Popcorn, my little friend! Where have you been? smack!
That was a big peck on your cheek and my arm around your shoulders in the most affectionate of hugs that I can give.
I've missed you.
I mean, this place has about ten regular posters and half of them don't seem to believe in Baby Tile.
We're not a big army, PCorn, but numbers has nothing to do with it. And at least we can count you in the fold now, eh? The welcome mat is enwrapped around you now, I think.
Well, I've got to get along to work. Still just slightly steamed over the "borrowing".
Am sending in my ballot today via inter-governmental mail. Heard stories last night in class of some people who were doing early poll voting and there was some waiting in long couple-hour lines.
Oh oh, clock's a gonging now. I just had to get on here and say hi to Popcorn. Popcorn still wanting the visual proof. Pictures. Popcorn, you know we don't have any 4 x 6's with poster signs held up declaring "Jake & Austin - Yes, we are together forever" or "I'm Baby Tile". Come on, don't be silly.
Have a great day, Popcorn, and everyone else! Good morning, Smiley!
OMG and its posters don't bother me.
Considering your almost never ending rants - beg to differ
You think I'm angry? The *stifles guffaw" wasn't a big enough clue to my emotional state?
You can stifle as many guffaws as you like, your panties are in one big wad. Why? just read the excessive crap you write.
Hee, "monitor"? Aww, did "read" not convey the right Orwellian tone?
You come here and "read" this blog everyday don't you! A place full of people who live, according to you, in fantasy land, but you just can't keep away can you?
Lastly, popcorn, re Baby tile:
Why does BT bother you so? whether BT exists or not, people are entitled to believe what they want. And they do not have to provide any evidence especially to you, for their beliefs. Ever heard of live and let live?
Your unbelievable venom when it comes to BT is concerning. Maybe you should see a therapist?
I'm not going to answer any more of you sick rants. As you like to have the last word, I promise I will not reply. How about that?
sorry, that was me flf!
Anon, you're going to get zapped if you don't get a name on there quick!
Reeke were everywhere! LOL
Kate Hudson Given Police Warning During Her Halloween Party
From WDW:
"It's that time of year again... Kate Hudson (who was also given one of the New Power awards with Jake in 2004) has held her Halloween party again and details are just emerging. While we have photos of Gwen Stefani dressed as a fried egg (and her husband as bacon), we are so far spared photos of Jake and Reese in costume. And that is just as well, because according to OK! 'Also invited, and dressed as cats, cheerleaders and other ghoulish figures, were Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon, Dax Shepard, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, Sean Hayes, David Spade, Lukas Haas and Jennifer Meyer.'
NOTE: It now looks like this could be a false report, and OK! combined party lists from this and previous years - for reasons only known to them.
That blog picked that up from OK UK, it's a combination of a list from last year.
"Popcorn, my little friend! Where have you been? smack! That was a big peck on your cheek and my arm around your shoulders in the most affectionate of hugs that I can give. I've missed you."
Hey prairiegirl!!! Thanks for the warm greeting and friendly tone. :) It's good to see that, amidst all the anger and negativity on this board, someone else can keep a sense of humor about these things.
"Am sending in my ballot today via inter-governmental mail. "
For Obama, right? Because I'd hate to end this friendship when it's only just begun, but if you're ticking McCain then we're through. :P
"Popcorn still wanting the visual proof. Pictures. Popcorn, you know we don't have any 4 x 6's with poster signs held up declaring "Jake & Austin - Yes, we are together forever" or "I'm Baby Tile". Come on, don't be silly."
Now now, prairiegirl! I was merely commenting on the fantasies people will construct from the flimsiest of evidence, and (in some cases) from no evidence at all. I don't expect to see real pictures of Baby Tile for the same reason I don't expect to see real pictures of unicorns, elves, or the Loch Ness monster (even though there is more evidence of their existence than there is of Baby Tile).
And speaking of the delusional belief in Baby Tile, hello fif!
"Considering your almost never ending rants - beg to differ"
...almost never ending rants? Really? I think I've posted on OMG maybe...12 times in...what, a year? Two years? And my posts generally consist of no more than...maybe 20 sentences (excluding quotes) and are usually free of foul language and grammatically correct,unlike actual rants. So, no, sorry, my posts are neither "never ending" or "rants".
"You can stifle as many guffaws as you like, your panties are in one big wad. Why? just read the excessive crap you write."
One of us is sharing a laugh with prairiegirl and giving straight answers when requested, the other is ranting about sick, venomous posts and waded panties when they get an answer to a question they asked in the first place.
"You come here and "read" this blog everyday don't you!"
"Lastly, popcorn, re Baby tile:
Why does BT bother you so? whether BT exists or not, people are entitled to believe what they want. And they do not have to provide any evidence especially to you, for their beliefs. Ever heard of live and let live?
Your unbelievable venom when it comes to BT is concerning. Maybe you should see a therapist?"
What are you talking about? I've never said that people aren't allowed to believe in Baby Tile, nor have I ever said that they have to provide proof. Honestly, relax. It's going to be ok. You're amongst friends here.
"I'm not going to answer any more of you sick rants. As you like to have the last word, I promise I will not reply. How about that?"
We're on a blog; there is no "last word" to be had unless Special K shuts this place down. You asked me a question and I posted my answer; if you can't deal with the novel concept of people replying to you when you ask them for a straight answer, I fear for your mental health. Prairiegirl, I think someone else here needs one of your special hugs :)
The correct list from this year:
No J&R.
List and pics althogh they say the party was Friday:
Popcorn, buzz off.
I love your post Rattle and Hum.
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