The Magic
Not only do we get pictures of Austin, but Jake resurfaces at Pinewood Studios. On the same day. As Doug Henning would say -- "Magic!"
With the make up and dye hair, you get can really see Jake as the Prince of Persia. He needs the winter coat because it it looks like Dastan's shirt is built for the desert heat. At first glance it looks like Jake is wearing a shortie robe with pants, doesn't it? He better keep his eye on those boots because Austin maybe eying them. This isn't the first time Jake's gone dark (haired) for a movie. What do you think? And it looks like he is getting into the long hair thing. Guess he and Austin are doing the long and short of it aren't they?
New pictures at IHJ -Thanks PicPic
Jake's twist on a Black and Tan.
The Mystery
Informers was supposed to be screeened at Sitges Film Festival. It was an Official Fantastic Section Out of Competition selection, but looking at the schedule for each day it looks like its not there. Could be losing the vampires, made Informers lose out of being at Sitges? Can you help solved this mystery?
Check it out and let us know what you think is going.
Sitges Film Festival
An for some incentive another new picture of Austin in actionThe Madness
That would be our Movie Club. Pick your choice for this month's movie club. Remember 1 vote person per day, and we will leave the poll open today and tomorrow.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Movie Magic, Mystery and Madness
Posted by
Special K
8:29 AM
Labels: Austin, Informers, Jake, Madness, Magic, Movie Club, pictures, Prince of Persia, Sitges
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Looks like the pics are from UK then - the winter coat - it's been freezing the past week here, no wonder he's all wrapped up after a shot.
My Beautiful Laundrette is my choice. And for the record, this is the correct film that Austin allegedly ordered from a store in LA. If only he could join this discusson. :)
have a good day.
More pics on IHJ.
Thanks PicPic I updated the post!
You're welcome :) No Reese with him, that's fine by me.
On-set extra reporting Jake texting Reese every chance he gets
just to clarify, he texts his girly reese like every two seconds (mostly while the crew is setting up the next shot) and has his mobile hidden in his costume. she even flew down to morocco when they were filming there
On-set extra reads messages over Jake's shoulder? LOL
9:17 AM, ITA the extra reads Jake's messages? But really, this makes Jake look like he's 15 yrs old. He's filming a movie and when has 5 minutes free he has to text Reese all day long? I think they're fake, but if he's really with her, they deserve each other. They're both self-absorbed.
:), you asked on last post in which picture I thought he looked "womanly" - it's the first one of Jake posted on this page. I know, it's my response is not to be taken seriously, but I was startled, and pink lip gloss or whatever that is, made me lift an eyebrow, or two.
and Ive been ruminating in my morning shower about finding another guy for Reese. I think she ought to go the route of Rita Hayworth, Grace Kelley, Jackie O and Princess Di and find herself a wealthy mid-Eastern bloke. :D :D
Thanks Jayna.
Jake Gyllenhaal is a Back Door Dude :)
Strange about The Informers. Haven't a clue as to why they would pull it like that. And I wonder if it was the festival, or the studio.
Interesting that Jared has picked up the Star story, and with that headline to boot! And can I just say I think that is one of the ugliest jackets I've ever seen, I hate the color.
IHJ added more Cipriani pics. Look at his face.
At first I was going to say drunk but its looks like amphetamines. I was addicted to them and I know that look anywhere.
Little Blue Pill, please give us more details.
Amphetamines=weight control/ADD+steroids=Bad.
The bright glassy wideopen eyes, small tight pupils, stone face. That's not drunk. I'm not saying its meth, could be legal amphetamine to keep his appetite/weight down , keep him awake (isn't he a morning person and here its night) and alert for movie shoots. But if its legal he had too much and not by accident. Funny how a family Disney movie could be his undoing with lies bearding and drugs. The Price of Persia.
Has been on them for years to control ADD and his weight way before Disney and Reese, if he doesn't watch what he eats and doesn't excercise he blows up, you have seen him with his belly and manboobs.
The hours on Pop he is probably abusing them to keep awake and keep his weight down, dumb.
Jake loves to eat and his regime for pop must make hi really cranky.
Think another thing that throws people off is 1) he has a spray tan on his face 2) the darkened eye brows and their thickness - looking over the years you can see Jake have overly sculpted brows to "natural" brows but I think this is truly them with not much plucking except between and 3) his dyed lashes make him look like he's always in make up.
bad, I've known a long time and recognized the signs in his pics but now its obvious which isnt a good sign. Or maybe it is good if his parents, sister, Austin and buddies see the pics and slap ssome sense into him. Hope so. Its sad to see him whacked out like this.
Does lunch-with-Jaker Charlotte's "he wasnt there" impression compute, in this matter?
The amps are prescribed by his doctor, has been since his teens so his parents, Reese, etc all know. Check out the pics of Jake and Reese in London in June he has the same look, she looks a bit tipsey, but he looks worse.
Looking at the pics over at IHJ over the years you can see signs, especially with dear Kiki.
The differnce now is it looks like he is abusing them for Pop to keep him alert and to keep his weight in check. He should take them to keep his ADD in check so he can stay focused, but he is playing with fire.
It causes personality changes as well.
How does he look whacked out?
I'm sorry, but I just don't see it.
I see a guy who has muscled up from working out more, I see a guy who had "bloated" cheeks because he had just taken a bite from an apple and I see a guy whose pupils are the appropriate size given the fact that someone is flashing light right into his eyes because they're taking pictures.
I don't think Jake is adverse to doing drugs sometimes - I'm thinking weed here - but I just don't see how he looks whacked out in these pictures.
Maybe Jake inherited Heath's old stash.
I don't think he looks bad actually--just tired. (Sadly, I did think Heath looked very bad months before he died--I thought he looked strung out).
His brows really change his look, they are so dark and straight across, and there is no space between them and his eye, and make his eyes look more deep set and heavy lidded. Sure many of will admit a little time with tweezers, wax or threading can dramatically open up your eye and change the whole look of your face. Go back and look at Bubble Boy pictures and you can see how much they were plucked back then.
I don't know what to think, and impossible to know what is going on with him from one set of pictures. They could have caught him on a bad night (take that whatever way you want), plus bad lighting, angles, etc.
I hope that is all it is; being in the closet takes a high toll on people not only mentally, but physically. And that is on top of the toll being away form home, filming long hours, etc. takes. There was an article out in the past few weeks that found that people who are are not out and/or struggle with their sexuality have more health problems. Wish I could remember where I saw it.
there were post BAFTA pictures in London where he looked totally wasted, was being handled into car by security men. I found the pictures really disturbing: others found them "hot" -
I wish I could say that I think Jake looks good, but he doesn't. I know some of the look - the hair, bushy eyebrows- is for POP, but I would think they would want him to look really good for the part. He is growing up, that's for sure.
I am glad to hear Jake is texting Austin every chance he gets. Unless he is announcing out loud who he is sending messages to every minute, there is absolutely no reason to think it's Reese.
Austin, Chris, his Mom and sis.
I am glad to hear Jake is texting Austin every chance he gets.
Did you notice in the new pictures from Austin he has phone in his back pocket but then sitting on the porch he has in his front shirt pocket. It looks like they both found ways to keep their phones close by.
With both a gay and a straight couple
Song is a bit adult contemporary for me, but I really like this video concept.
I voted for Shortbus because I have it here and haven't watched it yet.
I think Jake looks a bit off in these pics. Not sure why. Maybe he's just getting older and his face and body are changing. He just looks different to me and not in a good way either.
Happy Birthday Jake's dad Stephen Gyllenhaal.
Happy Birthday to Stephen.
I voted for My Beautiful Laundrette, I'd seen it years ago, but would love to see it again.
Shortbus - I made the mistake of reading some less than favorable reviews of it. I just can't get interested in yet another movie about rich Manhattanites (if I'm going to do that, I'll watch a Woodie Allen movie) and their so-called problems, esp. a dominatrix who can't have an orgasm, it just seems passe and not relevant to me. But it's up to you guys. :)
Morocco is four hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, and seven hours ahead of Pacific Time.
So noon on the PoP set is 6 am on the OTH set, and 3 AM in LA.
And the extra said Reeke's constantly texting each other?
Yeah, right.
The extra is in London from reading the blog not Morocco.
"Bad" good to see we're on the same page. Btw people, we're talking about the closeup face Ciprianai pics not the set ones. Big Difference. The old Bafta ones were him drunk which is ok with me because he wasn't driving, it was after a celebration and Jake's hardly seen like that. These Ciprianai pics though bother me. Theres def chemical substances abuse involved and either it or the dose aint good. The regular amount is 50-100mg a day and when I was doing it it was over 400mg a day. I've been there and I know how it makes you feel nonresponsive ("Not there" yes, Jayna) and how your face looks (Stubborn TB look at older "flash in face" pics and compare the eyes) and I recognize it instantly. INSTANTLY. Trust me on this one. He's on something and its not 2 glasses of wine at dinner.
Destiny ITA about being in the closet and high toll of it. Add greed (Disney POP fame) (and hiding a baby if theres one) and it can be a disaster. Why I call it Price of Persia. He might make alot of money from it but what will it cost him?
There's a 8 hour difference between LA and London.
There's a 5 hour difference between
Wilmington and London.
Hi, everybody! I've got to make this quick. My Panera Bread iced latte is long gone & I've been struggling with internet problems for 45 minutes here @ Panera. I think I've taken a table long enough. I haven't dared gotten off to look at all the pictures because I'm afraid I'll get locked up again, LOL! I'll have to wait til I get home or in the a.m.
You guys are scaring me with all this talk about Jake looking zoned out. I must say, the pictures that Special has put on this post, he doesn't look too hot to me. I think it's all in the hair, though. It'd be different if it was full & wavy. But it's not; it's flat & too long. I think it does make him look feminine; the hair is totally distracting from his face.
You know; I hope it's just the hours changing. At my job, we have 3 shifts. And I remember when our former day warehouse supervisor had to switch to the 2300-0700 shift. It totally whacked out his system. He lost his appetite because his eating schedule was totally disrupted. He couldn't sleep right and it really did take forever for his body to adjust. You just cannot command your body to adjust like that. It does take awhile. I have seen it with several of our whse supervisors when they have to switch shifts for a week or whatever. Can't just tell your body to sleep or eat just because you want to.
OTH, Little Blue Pill, I trust the sounds of your knowledge. It scares me to think about any kind of illegal drug usage. I hope in this instance, tho, you are not right. Just because I don't want to think about anybody having to do that. LOL, it's taking me so long to get this comment written, LBP, you've posted again. You're scaring me with your assuredness of him being on something. Anyway, good to hear from you; you'd disappeared for awhile; good to see you again. :)
Hey, I have an uplifting story. I had just been to a memorial service of a friend at the church I used to go to. Absolutely beautiful, loving service. Afterwards, I was desperate to get a bill mailed and all I wanted to do was buy one stamp. Just one! That's all. I had one dollar bill and darned if you can't go to our local US Postal office and find a machine anymore. They want you to buy a whole book. Not that I don't usually do that, but in this instance I just wanted one. I started ragging to this lady "Where are all the stamp machines?" She said they took it out. I said this was the second office I'd been to & all I wanted was one stamp. So I had to go stand in a long, slowmoving line to buy one stamp. I was grousing about "being forced to buy more than I wanted" and darned if I ws going to do that or give them the satisfaction of buying a book, when she bought her stamps and then came over to me and handed me a stamp out of her book. I said "oh no," but she insisted. I took out my billfold but she refused to take any money. I was so humbled & felt terrible about grumbling out loud. But I graciously accepted her kindness, stuck it on my bill, and left. Wasn't that an unbelievable act of kindness? People are unbelievable. I just felt so humble. Isn't it hard to receive sometimes? I felt terrible because I didn't want to wait in a line.
Well, better go. My ice is about melted. Oh, and something else. I've seen Reese wearing a ring on her middle finger several times in the past. I don't think this is anything new. I don't recall specific times, but I've seen her wearing one. She doesn't always wear it. Now him? He doesn't usually wear one. I think Babblers are trying to stir something up. At least, I hope so. LOL!
Miss you all. I am enjoying Molly & Lucy, tho. Such good girls. Jingles? He's, uh, a whole other kettle of fish. He's the yappiest thing. We're having a good time, tho.
These Ciprianai pics though bother me. Theres def chemical substances abuse involved and either it or the dose aint good. The regular amount is 50-100mg a day and when I was doing it it was over 400mg a day. I've been there and I know how it makes you feel nonresponsive ("Not there" yes, Jayna) and how your face looks (Stubborn TB look at older "flash in face" pics and compare the eyes) and I recognize it instantly. INSTANTLY. Trust me on this one. He's on something and its not 2 glasses of wine at dinner.
You think you can diagnose not just drug use but DOSAGE based on some pap pics? Just when I thought the photo-analysis on this blog couldn't get any crazier...
Jakes face at Cipriani = Heather Locklears mugshot
So, Jake is in London and five hours ahead of the US East Coast. Still means all this alledged Reeke texting is happening when one or the other should be sleeping.
Does anyone really believe that Reese sits up night after night waiting for Jake's messages? Doesn't the A-List movie star, production company president, America's sweetheart, shopaholic and caffeine addicted super mom need her beauty sleep?
No not dosage, just giving you example of whats normal and what abuse is. And yes I know somethings chemically wrong by the pics. No doubt.
Reese is in L.A. which is 8 hours behind London
Heathers are dilated. Jake's are small. The pupil open and close to light exposure, bright lights make the pupil minimize. Heather's are dilated from medication. You know what else changes the your pupils, can be a symptom of other meds too, such as antihistamines like Benadryl, or Clarinex. If Jake has a cold he could be on those. And if he took that with a his regular prescription stuff well ...
Sorry but IMO it is ridiculous and absolutly irresponsible to make up stories about Jake being "on something" aka taking drugs
based on some pictures taken during some seconds. And this stated as a fact, not even as a speculation.
Why would Jake text Reese???
Heather Locklears mug shot
LBP's account of "symptoms" is also a little questionable, a slash story plot from the 60s. Amps are not as widely prescribed nor available for abuse as they once were. Little Blue Pill sounds like Cantara on her smear campaign against the Gyllenhaals. It is Stephen's birthday after all. Her "story" of Jake's mother on her blog is very subjective, and she couldn't possibly have "been there" during that time period unless she's lied about her age. Large grain of salt needed. Take every four hours until Gyllenhaal birthday over.
Wasn't Jake getting sick when the fan encounter last week? And he did go to back and forth NY that didn't help much either.
Wondering who alerted the paps on this one.
Jake’s eyes
Doesn't the A-List movie star, production company president, America's sweetheart, shopaholic and caffeine addicted super mom
Don't forget she's also busy stomping in trash cans, doing crafts, raising 2 baby pigs, cooking downhome southern foods with bacon!, writing breast cancer PR releases, breaking up dogfights and making homebaked chocolate chip cookies!
To Whomever is Posting Links to IHJ:
One must be a member there to view the pictures. Not everyone here currently is, or do they wish to be in the future.
If pictoral proof is what you need to slam dunk your case, might I suggest finding another hosting site, so others may also see your evidence.
miss manners, WDW site has a few Cipriani pictures, embiggen them. not pleasant viewing.
easy to be a member of Iheartjake -
it's a great source. you wont get yr hems dirty by joining up.
Heather and Jake
Getting this for new pictures, Jake won't show up till Cannes.
Just a reminder - vote for movie club if you haven't.
Heather and Jake 2
Don't know about his eyes, really can only speak with authority on the stoned and high, (thanks to a summer spent as a church camp counselor), however...
if the plan was to splash a 'wedding' ring around with some pap exposure as some kind of winky hint to the Reeke fans, then why's he walking with his hands shoved in his pockets?
He ignored that PR directive?
No, that speculation was wrong.
I am not going to speculate about Jake's conditon in the pictures yet, not until I see it is a pattern. Based on one set only could be he's been working long hours and may just be worn out. But I will say that the last 6 months before Heath died, many people were concerned about how he looked so out of it and bad in his pap photos. And look what happened there. If we see this repeated, then I will worry.
The ring is part of the costume. If you go back and view the photos first taken of Jake in costume, the one with the fake abs, he has the same ring on. And it matches some of the other jewelry he is wearing in costume. Plus he has it on as he is first leaving the studio, but has taken it off by the time he gets to his car. Shedding wwat he can, just like you drop your work clothes ASAP when you get home from work.
"ita" OMFG you think I'm Cantara? LOL!!!! No I am not Cantara.
'a slash story plot from the 60s' -huh??
Amps (and other drugs) are widely available. Of all people I should know.
Heather L and Jakes eyes are pretty much the same.
BTW "ita" you sound like a babbler. You protest too much.
BTW You all don't have to agree with me. Its my opinion. Any of you had a drug problem? Only reason why I spoke up is I've been there and I feel I pretty much recognize amp face when I see it. I'm not going to argue this anymore. Its ok if you disagree.
Always accuse someone of being a babbler when you don't have a leg to stand on. No, I am not a babbler. Sorry, deflection won't work.
You can't see anything from an unclear picture. You also are not a doctor. They are illegally available, but not manufactured legally much anymore, accept in different chemical forms for ADD, narcolepsy, as someone mentioned. Not used for weight control anymore as they were too addicting. You can tell when people have pulled info off Wikipedia and have no idea what it means. Being "not there" is not a symptom of amphetamine abuse, quite the opposite. That's what I thought you were talking about, now you have implied a wide range of drugs which would have all kinds of symptoms. As others have mentioned, there is so much you haven't taken into account, such as cold, cold medications, alchohol. NO, I haven't been unfortunate to have had a drug problem myself, but I certainly have known those who have. I also work in the pharmaceutical industry, which doesn't make me an expert either. Enlarged pupils are a sign of amphetamine abuse, not small.
BTW I forgot to thank Special and Wicked for the post today, great like usual "Thanks!". The music is too fast for my lazy Saturday mood but its good. I read back where Wicked, you said you weren't the changeable owl sign..I donm't know you but your music is (lucky for us) flying all over the place and changing everyday..thats where it is. I voted for the movie but my choice only has my 1 vote. Looks like its laundry night! I want Special to do my brows..but only when all your teams are winning.
if you don't like being called a babbler don't post BS like Little Blue Pill sounds like Cantara on her smear campaign against the Gyllenhaals.
Be a little skeptical, OMG. Unusually nice, all of a sudden. Not much of a profile either.
People are entitled to their opinions, obviously. And concern about drug abuse/accidental overdoses is not something to be taken lightly, especially after of what happened with Heath. But from just a picture, to come to such detailed conclusions? If you have concerns, it's understandable, but to state with such certainty is going off on a wild tangent, I'm sorry. I think I'm entitled to an opinion here, before I get accused of being a Babbler.
Sorry shucks but I'm always nice. I wanted to compliment the blog because I forget to..sometimes we get offtrack and forget the topic they took the time to wrote about. I've posted here before. Wicked and Special prolly have a good idea who I am and why I don't have a profile. I usually lurk but thats it for LBP here. Make an observation give an opinion..get accused of being porno psycho Cantara on a Stephen birthday rampage, (LOL) about lying about experiences with amp abuse. Thought you'd appreciate the observation not resent it. You gotta be aware of all possibilities. Bye.
get accused of being porno psycho Cantara on a Stephen birthday rampage
Try to ignore babblers :)
Yeah let's hope the Sox keep winning if I was doing brows. They lose and you may end up a unibow and I don't mean one that connects, just one over one eye. Heck, I don't even do my own I leave that to the pro's.
CYA, Little Blue - As they say in my beloved home state of Louisiana - don't let the doorknob hit yo' ass on the way out! ;)
Little Blue Pill isn't going anywhere.
. . get accused of being porno psycho Cantara on a Stephen birthday rampage.
Just hilarious. :)
Who is "Little Blue Pill" anyway? I don't know her from Adam, and I've been here almost 3 years.
^^^ Who are you?
What do people think about Informers not being at Sitges? Do you think it's because they got rid of the vampire part of the story? Or do you think its some other reason?
LBP posts on the Ent Lawyer site Crazy days and nights, something Wicked and SK are aware of.
They claim they know about Jake's use of amps to control his weight and ADD, not insider info, not well known on Jake's online fandom because they refuse to believe that he needs meds to control ADD and that was the real reason he didn't finish Columbia, he didn't take his meds all the time and couldn't focus, caused problems on films as well. Producion people know about the use and his weight problems.
and how your face looks (Stubborn TB look at older "flash in face" pics and compare the eyes)
You mean like here or here?
Hi Jeff Hi Jack Hi Babblers
Jake Gyllenhaal Out Alone and Happy
I voted for The Sum of Us. Tomorrow I'll vote for The Dying Gaul because it looks pretty good and I havent seen it.
I don't know whats going on with The Informers. I don't know how they make the decision to cut or release films so I'm useless here unfortunately. I just caught the tail end of CSI Miami and Austin was on there with short light brown hair. He looked so good. Light hair definately makes him look younger imo.
I honestly don't know what's going on with JG either. All I know is that he hasn't looked right for MONTHS. "Just not there" is an accurate description. He just doesn't look like himeslf at all.
Jake hasn't looked himself in months cause he's a new dad and trying to figure it all out and get them to sleep.
He has been filming Pop since June with barely a break, I would look like shit too.
Why? That's only 10 weeks.
He's young and fit, hard work should't be a problem.
Yeah let's hope the Sox keep winning if I was doing brows. They lose and you may end up a unibow and I don't mean one that connects, just one over one eye.
LMAO! Or plucked clean like a chicken!
He has been filming Pop since June with barely a break, I would look like shit too.
Add everything that happened with Nailed before that. And all the training to get ready for PoP.
Maybe there was a tall unidentified restaurant patron walking out the front door at the same time.
From the poster at DC who met Jake on the PoP set:
She has one more very poignant post about Jake's reaction to Heath
I don't know where is the best place for this, but all serious Heathens should know, from Jake, that not only was it Heath's idea to switch the shirts in the final scene, but also his idea that the young Ennis' shirtsleeves should be too short.
Wasn't he something?
These tidbits also:
•"Heath wanted to have a paternal relationship with his directors…he didn't get that with Ang…" Jake agreed with the accounts that said this was deliberate, that Ang kind of refused to help Heath along to add to the frustration in his performance. "He was very loyal to his directors, even when the movies weren't very good." "Like The Brothers Grimm," I agreed. Jake didn't disagree, replying that Heath "loved" Terry Gilliam.
•I don't hear all that well, and since Jake seemed kind of soft spoken in the interviews I had seen, I worried a little about understanding what he said. I never actually had any problem--but I sure did notice that the his voice did drop noticeably when he spoke of Heath.
•I told him I had some of Heath's Brokeback costume. He smiled widely when I told him I had the "You bet" postcard shirt--and the smile wiped right off his face when I looked him in the eye and added "and the Reunion shirt." He actually drew back a little.
Oh, to have been able to read his mind in that moment…
DC, thanks for posting.
Blue pill, chill out. Sorry but people giving out their opinion as fact based on a couple of pics and I-know-it-all attitude do not fool me. One has to be aware of all possibilities, indeed! I do know you from elsewhere pushing your ADD disorder stuff.
Oh man, I feel like I'm in the Jake Eyelashes thread where they decide that Jake must be falling apart at least 4 times a year to meet their 'drama queen quota'.
Here's a clue. If he is on anything, he's probably been doing it a long time and it's his decision to make.
Kinda like whether to come out of the closet or not.
I just wanted to let you know that
I am alive and have a rotten cold.
I just have not felt like my usual
self. I voted fot My Beautiful
Laundrette because I just thought
that it was a fabulous movie. My
thought is that Jake just looks
tired. If he is on medication, I
just hope that he uses it safely
and wisely. Austin looks handsome
and gorgeous as usual. PLEASE keep
me informed how he does on OTH as
I have no access to it. Does anyone think that The Informers
may go straight to DVD-some movies
do? I have seen Reese wear the sort of gold band ring on her middle ring finger-it really does
not have to mean anything. I used
to think that Jake and Austin started out as friends and their
relationship became something more
dear! I just wish that people could be honest and just what they
are. What a pressure it must be to
have on you to keep your career
and deny your heart! I have a tendency to dramatize but what I
am trying to say is: JUST BE TRUE
TO YOURSELF!! If Jake is dating
Reese, why not be honest from the
beginning instead of acting like
kids? I know-publicity! Anyway,
the October 17th date for JFC sounds fine and also the movie date sounds okay! Keep me informed
if anything changes!!
Prairie Girl, I have already
made My Living Will! I learned
much about things while my mother
was living but I do not want to
talk about that because it makes
me very sad. I have also made my
funeral arrangements! One thing
that I learned from my mother's
illness is this- Try to live each
day like it was your last BECAUSE
also tell the ones that you love
you love them everyday because you
may regret it if you DON'T! So
sorry for such a long and sad post! Anyway, have a good week ahead and keep me informed what is
going with all the movies!! Take
care of yourselves and BE CAREFUL!!
^^Please excuse mistake above! WhatI meant to say is for! Have a
good Sunday!
Hey Kacie! Good to see you. Hope your cold is better.
Blue pill, chill out. Sorry but people giving out their opinion as fact based on a couple of pics and I-know-it-all attitude do not fool me.
Babblers don't fool me.
"Blue pill, chill out. Sorry but people giving out their opinion as fact based on a couple of pics and I-know-it-all attitude do not fool me."
Good Try, why are you so threatened by other's views? Speculation is the name of the game -
Take it from me, I know what Im talking about, and that's the truth. :D :D
Good Try, why are you so threatened by other's views?
Babblers can't stand any unflattering speculations about Jake.
Wicked, thank you for asking. I am
feeling a little better-day by day. I forgot to ask-how are the
rabbits, Tink, and Potter? Do you
dress the dogs up for Halloween or
any of the other holidays? What I
am trying to say is if Jake really
truly loves Austin he had better hang on to him tight!!There is no
pun intended. True love only comes
around once. If he really loves
Reese, then I am happy for him
also. I just wish that they could
have been more honest-Jake and
Reese. I have tried to see both
sides of this. I also sort of go
50-50 on Baby Tile. If it is so,
I hope that he or she is a healthy, happy baby with a lot of
love around. I also hope they have
excellent childcare. In this day
and time, you hear all sorts of
horror stories about nannies and
babysitters. Are you going to change the date of the JFC discussion? Is it the 17th just
let me know! Have a good rest of
the weekend!!
Perhaps you should define "speculation" - if someone claims to KNOW that Jake is taking drugs I want to see some proof or facts.
And it gets tiring to say that everyone not agreeing or asking questions has to be a "babbler". Do you believe Jake fans are only "TBs" or "Babblers"?? Very small worls you live in. Please spare me the stereotyped thinking.
Perhaps you should define "speculation" - if someone claims to KNOW that Jake is taking drugs I want to see some proof or facts.
Please, read posts first and stop playing stupid.
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