Not my original post. Why? Because how long has everyone waited for new pictures of Austin.
Much thanks to Austin Nichols Fan
Go check out the rest of the pictures from One Tree Hill
Episode 6.08 that Danielle's put up.
It looks its something there something old, something new for Mr. Nichols.
The Old:
The Pose
The Hair
The New:
The hipster appropriate scruff. But is it OMG approved?
And the borrowed and blue? Now that's up to you. Sure you have more than a few suggestions.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Something old, something new.....
Posted by
Special K
9:47 AM
Labels: Austin, One Tree Hill, Television
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Nothing llke new pictures to start out the day.
Noticed Chica had to let us know about the Reeke house hunting. For those who don't know, Chica is a regular on Babble. Did we forget to change our name, dear?
I like Austin with the shorter hair.
Bearding BI from NYDN:
- That picture-perfect Hollywood couple may want to have their hunky friend walk a little further behind them. Word's getting around that he's the actor's boyfriend, but apparently the actress is cool with it.
Noticed Chica had to let us know about the Reeke house hunting. For those who don't know, Chica is a regular on Babble.
Babblers always share their happiness and pro-Reeke tabloid BS with us.
The hipster appropriate scruff. But is it OMG approved?
No. And you should know better than to ask this!
It's great to see these stills from the OTH set. Austin is looking good and I like the short hair a lot more than I thought I would. I personally approve of the hipster appropriate scruff, Special - not sure what anyone else thinks. The short hair and the scruff work well on him IMO.
I'm liking the new hair too. Austin is aging well. Looking very leading mannish. I viewed all the pics on the Austin fan site. Will make watching One Tree Hill worth while. Maybe he and babytile are going to London to stay with Jake for a bit. With a garage that opens into the house, the passengers in a car can enter without being seen by anyone.
Reeke dont even look like they like each other anymore. Have not for some time. Couples in love are proud of each other, not ashamed.
Borrowed: tie Sturgis trucker cap or the black jeans that are a little too short
Blue:pair of blue eyes
Looks like Austin's losing his hair.
tempus fugit (what in the heck does that mean, lol!), I was just going to say the same thing. One's own worst nightmare. He needs to grow it back out so it covers up the receding line. Oh horrors, he had such a great head of dark hair, too.
Hey Jayna!!!
LOL, I'm still stuck on tempus fugit.
I got it!!!! Time flies! I had to google it, lol. Never let it be said some people can't get educated on OMG.
I'm sorry; I went to mostly midwestern schools - I must've chosen some, uh, kinda backwards ones. My southeast schooling came too little, too late. :D
Sorry, guys, I'm rattling off several posts in a row. I have another quiet lunch hour. The economy has certainly hit us, I think. We should be busier than this already.
Special, I want you to know that just because of you
I actually watched the last 2 innings of last night's game. Wasn't sure if you might be there - I just figured I'd look for someone with an Austin Nichols or Bust shirt on because I have no idea what you look like, LOL! Also, someone who was leaning on anything they could get their hands or elbows on, standing on tiptoes, and alternating weight on their left & right feet. LOL!
But then I found out you weren't there. I'm just kidding. I did watch, tho. Kinda tense. That was quite a play at 3rd base. He did have the ball in the glove for the tag and then it rolled off. I guess that's a valid out as long as the tag is made, right?
He did have the ball in the glove for the tag and then it rolled off. I guess that's a valid out as long as the tag is made, right?
As long as he was in possession of it for the tag.
Luckily the neighbors were up watching the game because I was yelling as Bay was rounding third.
And PG-that game just goes with the rest of the moments of being a member of Red Sox nation. We've been through some unbelievable games - and we we are a superstitious bunch. Believe me we were working the good mojo for Lester - and then had to call up the go to mojo for that ending.
What do we do? For some its clothing for others its rituals. One friend made her husband sit in the car and listen to the game on the radio, she wouldn't let him in the house. Why? Last time he was in the house the Sox lost. Yeah, we are nuts, but we love our Sox.
You know, I'm trying to figure out the actual need to find a house big enough for the whole Brentwood crew. Unless it was for the holidays. This is where my midwestern frugal mentality comes into play. Because I can't imagine paying that kind of rent for space that was only going to be used for maybe a couple of weekends. Kids need to be in school. You're not going to get a break until Thanksgiving. I suppose kids can be pulled out of school. But the flight from CA to London? How many times are you going to do that? That's a pretty long distance just for a long weekend.
And, of course, I would have to think of Atticus. Where is Atticus going to get shuffled off to then each time they all fly to London? Dang, that poor dog.
Special, isn't it funny the things fans do so as not to upset the cart? Whatever you're doing while the team is doing well, you gotta keep doing it! Postseason is special, tho, that's for sure. Ah, I have faint memories of those postseason games, whatever sport. Real faint. Lol!
The house thing always sounds to me like someone trying to drum up some real estate business.
Austin has a receeding hairline in the picture of him when he is a lot younger too; it doesn't look any different to me in the new pictures, so I think he probably still has hair.
Jake doesn't need a house for reeking.
Maybe he wants privacy for more welcome guest(s)?
Austin has a receeding hairline in the picture of him when he is a lot younger too; it doesn't look any different to me in the new pictures, so I think he probably still has hair
If I'd just open my eyes, I'd see that, Destiny, in that lower picture. I swear, I rush into things sometimes. Doesn't matter anyhow; he looks great no matter what. He has that sultry eye look down real well.
I think Austin's always had a rather high hair line. Receding or not he's looking pretty good in these latest pics (which is more than can be said for Jake IMO).
With regard to the house hunting, if privacy is your main priority I think Soho would be the last place you'd consider. I'm even surprised all the places mentioned at in central London. If you were filming at Shepperton wouldn't it be more sensible to be located somewhere very posh and discrete nearby. More privacy and save yourself the hour commute each way. (although maybe the Star reading public can't quite so easily visualise Virginia Water, who knows).
^^I know that area well!
Austin does always look good. I think that's because we see him working and seemingly being himself.
The tension of Jake not being himself shows in every inch of his body and face, even when he's by himself. Just more evidence too that that all the pictures we get anymore are arranged.
You also have to factor in PoP has got to be hard on Jake. He's making the biggest movie of his career, this is Disney's tentpole movie in 2010, it has to do beyond well. They want 100 million weekend opening. Come on, who wouldn't freak out at that when you stop and think about it or look back at your performances and get notes from the director on your performance. Add all the physical stuff required and the acting and the accent.
But the biggest thing got to be that he's doing it all alone.
Jake's not an alone kind of guy. For somebody who is so close to his family and close friends as his support/cheering section this has got to be really tough. Yeah their phone calls and texting are great but they can only do so much.
Not to mention being separated from your Goose and Baby T.
Dear Ted:
You so often told us that Toothy Tile knows he's Toothy and that he's proud of it. What about Gray Goose, is he a proud one, too?
Dear Smile Like You Mean It:
Hardly. Grimacing through it all.
Dear Ted:
Who is the most loving, sweetest and hottest hubby: Toothy's or yours? Is Baby Tile old enough to walk?
Dear Tile-icious:
Mine. No.
Dear Ted:
If Jake and Reese are just PR buddies, then as far as I can tell, he hasn't dated anyone since he broke up with Kirsten Dunst back in 2005. Is he that picky?
—Jill, M.E.
Dear Dump or Dunst:
Maybe he didn't date KiKi, either.
Blimey, lots of interesting Ted!
Nice Austin pics, thanks Danielle :D
Interesting indeed.
I think that first letter is saying what I've I've always thought, that Austin is doing this for Jake and is not happy with what has been going on.
I don't think Ted's saying that. It sounds like saying he doesn't like being known as the Goose or that people know.
Three bedrooms-
1) Jake and Austin
2) Baby Tile
3) Nanny
Wow Ted. Not letting it go is he? And even stirring it up more with the Kiki mention.
One thing that's interesting is that he used the double consonant name to answer a Jake question, he usually uses that for his Toothy questions.
grimace n. - A sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt, or disgust.
I agree, I interpret it to mean the Goose is going along with the situation, but is not happy about it. Smile like you mean it too.
So does GG want to come out, or not?
Ted always writes so you can read more than one meaning in things.
So it could be that Goose is not happy with what is happening.
It could mean he doesn't want any attention - being known or being know as Goose.
One thingI really don't think he likes all the focus on it. I think he wants the focus on his work, not on who he's dating.
When you look back and see the first set of Lakers pictures they were the happiest that whole time from Dec. - Feb. I think because they could do what they wanted, live the life they wanted and naively thought they wouldn't be in the spotlight for it.
Keep remembering something Ted wrote about the thing Toothy loved Goose for was that he believed they could just have, a regular life. (excuse me if I don't get it right - its been a while and can't find the exact item )
^December 7 2006
Dear Ted:
I've been reading about your secret Toothy Tile Blind Vice for a long time now. But I think you need to dish more on Toothy's good-lookin' boyfriend. What's so hot about him that makes Toothy take his pants off?
Los Angeles
Dear Desire Down Below:
In a word? Naïveté. Tooth's man actually thinks they can have a normal life together, and Toothy simply adores him for it!
Three bedrooms-
1) Jake and Austin and Baby Tile
2) Baby Playroom (day)/Alone Adult quality sleep room (night)/escape when the wierdo I chose as a life partner is being annoying room (anytime)
3) Nanny
You can't have a regular life if you're bearding and hiding. A regular life is being able to go to a basketball game if you want to.
I don't know if they were naive about the attention they'd get, or naive about how HW would feel about it. Or maybe for a brief moment in time Jake didn't care about HW.
I posted before I saw GG's post. Reading it I think the naive reference is to GG, not TT. I'm going to have to mull this over again.
Thank GG.
I don't know if they were naive about the attention they'd get, or naive about how HW would feel about it. Or maybe for a brief moment in time Jake didn't care about HW.
When you're in love do you care about things like that? I don't think you care about much else but being in love.
And the bearding - still think at the time they perceived it as the only option they had - Do I think either of the like it? - BIG FAT NO.
I always wondered if others in the closet kind of put the screws to them a little bit too. Because one big name opens that door a lot of other's skeletons could slip out.
To me HW is still like Jr High and runs in cliques and circles. Yes there is pressure from managers, agents, studio exec ect, but I also think it comes from their peers too. Some of them have a good thing going and don't want anything to upset that.
Just my opinion - getting my flak jacket on for the incoming.
Congrats Red Soxs.
Good thing you got out that jacket Special. :-D
I'm sure that there is a lot of pressure to not come out. On top of all the usual homophobic reasons, I'm sure people who've spent their entire lives living a lie are invested in wanting to think it was not all for nothing. I don't like it, but I realize that right now someone who wants to be leading HW man can't come out right now.
But that still doesn't justify the bearding, which is deeply homophobic--especially the degree to which Reeke has taken it. IMO Jake has negated anything positive he ever did for the gay community, including BBM, by bearding.
Did he have to beard to do PoP? Maybe? Did he have to do PoP? No.
I also seriously doubt that Austin thought bearding was the only solution, but no way of knowing for sure.
Oh, today's song is so sad -
I wasn't able to listen to it before I left for work today.
When you're in love do you care about things like that? I don't think you care about much else but being in love.
Nooooooooo! Nothing but love.
I don't know if pictures tell the whole story all the time, but Lakers I pics were exceptional I thought. They really do look like they are quite close.
Ted's choice of words bothers me - grimacing - my first thought was painful. Makes me feel like it is painful for both of them, this arrangement. I really hope it will end soon.
Jake's parents have split and that's gonna make him hurry to marry Reese
I don't think Ted's saying that. It sounds like saying he doesn't like being known as the Goose or that people know.
My thoughts also.. I don't think Austin wants to be "OUT" or known as Jakes BF. Sorry, not feeling this one. I really don't think Austin is interested at this time in his life as living as an openly gay man. That's what I read.
So Destiny you just write off anything positive Jake has done?!?! Gee, how understanding and humane of you. Why am I not surprised. Of course I doubt you would be that judgmental of Austin.
I agree. I think Ted is most likely saying that GG doen't want to out or the publicity. We saw how angry he was at Borders.
Recent photos of Austin/GG tell a differnet story though. A cake with Tinker Bell on it. A picture with those long arms and long nails. Plus most of all having a photo taken of you with a mans legs wrapped around your shoulders.
I think I disagree with Ted if he says GG is not proud.
^ to be out
Boy, alot going on right now. Ted just keeps dishing it out, persistant lil cuss.
And I've got to say that I feel badly for Jake having the news about his parents splashed over Perez Hilton; not to mention I'm sure it'll be other places as well soon. I suppose it's one thing to have it rumored about on the internet but it's another thing to have it blasted out there for all to see. I don't care how old you are, it has to be painful to see your mom and dad not be in love and together anymore. I've been so blessed in that regard. And having seen all the endless pictures of that family together in the past, it's sad. I just feel really bad for him and his sister.
The more Ted just keeps beating this horse, I'm starting to lean towards the existance of Baby Tile. Now I'm close enough to the Show Me State to usually demand to see the money, but in this case, well, I don't think anything big is going to be disclosed anytime soon anyhow. Lol, now there's a sentence that sounds perfectly coherent.
Because Ted's to the point now where his credibility is way out there on the line with this whole thing. Now I'm not saying everything he's said in the past about Tooth has been dead on, but the major points that he is just harping on and won't let go of, he's like a cat with a dead mouse.
But what I'm trying to figure out is to what point is Ted going to carry it? I don't see any kind of coming out party on the horizon. Is he going to do it until Reeke cools off? And will Reeke cool off? Lol, I'd like to know why on earth Perez thinks just because the elder Gyllenhaal's (and Perez misspelled their name for goshsakes - who is his editor?!) are being rumored to be officially splitting, why on earth would that mean Jake & Reese would need or want to get hitched? I'm not seeing any logic there.
Perez might be saying that when times are tough, it may make a couple bond together even more, because they may need each other during difficult times. In other words, sometimes it makes a man or woman think there's more to a relationship than there is. That's the implication anyway, we don't think there's anything there in reality.
Poor Jake, he's really had quite a year.
Big news. One of the parents must have filed if the news is out or the B/G folks have been creeping on Jake sites. I had heard that the parents split was a factor in Maggie's wedding going from traditional to casual to called off. It was at one time scheduled for this upcoming weekend on Martha's Vineyard.
Somewhere I read about the top 5 most stressful events one can have happen in their life. I'll have to see if there's anything out there on it. But I swear, this guy has had alot on his plate and still has alot of highly stressful things going on all at once. I think I'd be soaking in Calgon all day long if I was him and not coming out of the tub.
Wow, lots going on. I wont be home till late tonight and checked in from work. Half the google sites say Reeke are splitting, the other half that they are moving to London. Now Ted even calls the romance with Kiki into question. I now think she was a beard as well. Putting myself into Austin's shoes, he has to be fed up with it all. Keep in mind it all looked so easy on paper. Ted and Reeke's PR are apparently at war.
Austin's dad has a full head of hair, so I dont see him ever losing his hair. At least the Gyllenhaal split is now confirmed. Rumored for a long time - Steven hooked up with some gal he met in Colorado. I bet you anything he wants to get married.
m, I hear ya. Lots going on and I have to get to class. I have to get going or I'm not going to get a chair!
Ted and Reeke's PR are apparently at war
I'll say.
I have to get going or I'm not going to get a chair!
You don't sit in coffins?
Maybe Stephen and his new love will have a double wedding with Reeke! Add in Maggie and Peter and you got a triple!
Sorry I had to, I'm glad you did. I just busted a gut!
LOL Wicked! It be more comfy with the satin pillows than hard chairs and help "prepare" them!
(You don't sit in coffins?)
WHAT is This???? LOL
oh no you din't lol
Since Perez has been in PR's pocket for Reeke, I can't help but wonder if the mention of Reeke in an article about his parents comes from PR or is done with their blessing. I guess the world really does revolve around Reeke.
You don't sit in coffins?
LOLLL!! C'mon, you guys!
satin pillows?! I should tell you guys some of the stories the pastor has told us (he's done over 200 funerals - that's quite alot seems to me) about unique funerals and coffins and what not he has seen in his experiences. People buried in Elvis costumes, a mom buried with a loaded phone card and phone so she could call home, etc. LOL! Really - you have to be able to have a sense a humor about it all.
No, I had a different class tonight. Thursdays is my Prep Funeral class. And this Thursday, we were supposed to have our field trip to the crematorium, but Pastor called me today & left a message on the machine that our field trip was cancelled due to a funeral at the funeral home. Seems so disrespectful to laugh at the irony of it all, but you just can't help it a little, anyways.
Well, before I head off to bed, thought I'd expand on the stressful events Jake's gone through this past year like what Special touched on earlier today.
I know I've been critical with Reeke and all, but when you step back and look at some things from a distance, you realize how many things the guy has had going on. Now if this doesn't get your shoulders all tense & bunched up below your ears, I don't know what would.
He's had 5 of the top stressors in life this year alone: Occupation (the stress of his job, filming Brothers, Nailed, and now PoP)
Bereavement (the death of his grandmother and former co-star, Heath L., although I'm not sure how much Heath's death really affected him; no one really knows that for sure) Marriage or decision to cohabitate Now, no, he's not married. But he's been both pretending to be cohabbing with ol Avon Lady and if all the TT & BT talk is 100%, there's permanent relationship and family rolled into one.
Performance like Special said, the need for his acting performance to be spot on for PoP. The pressure to help deliver the blockbuster. And the pressure to perform his other role, 1/2 of Reeke, for the ever snapping Flynet photogs. And finally, Divorce if the story is confirmed that his parents, indeed, are officially dissolutioning the marriage.
Not to mention all the traveling he's done, the packing and the unpacking, living out of suitcases, in & out of airports, shuffled here & shuffled there, no permanent residence all year. That gets old.
Yup. Makes me a little stressed out myself.
Thank you Sorry and PG for the laughs, I needed that.
Every time I think of the bearding and Austin's situation, I think of "What I Did For Love" from A Chorus Line. Corny I know, but there it is.
And Pot, if Austin ever shows up in Rome and gives some gal a piggy back ride around one of city's great fountains, I'd be the first one to call him out on it.
Dear Ted:
You so often told us that Toothy Tile knows he's Toothy and that he's proud of it. What about Gray Goose, is he a proud one, too?
Dear Smile Like You Mean It:
Hardly. Grimacing through it all.
Gray Goose and Robert. Robert Graysmith was Jake's character in Zodiac. Hope the reeking won't drag out like Zodiac and take forever to get to the truth like in the murders.
The Baby Tile walking question was from Grace.Could be from a real Grace but I wonder if its a clue the baby is a girl by "graceful" or means something else with 'grace' word in it.
I don't agree with Ted about Jake & Kiki not dating. I think they dated and had a relationship and Jake was bi but went more to gay hen he met Austin and as he gets older. Its tougher on bisexuals because they have to make a choice eventually.
The other thing I thought Ted might be talking about is Goose wants to be known more than just Toothy's BF.
Bereavement (the death of his grandmother and former co-star,
And godfather Paul Newman and wasn't there a director Anthony Minghella who died that he knew? Jamie Lee Curtis better keep eating her Activia because if she dies this year Jake is really screwed.
Remember some women heard Maggie and Peter in a restaurant and heard Maggie say Jake was "exhausted"? At that time Reeke was being papped doing coffee, walking in parks, farmers market, shopping, breakfasting,, basically doing nothing. The only reason I can come up with "exhausted" is if he was being overscheduled, having to run from one place to another, having hectic days, having to be and do a lot of things at once, and spreading himself too thin. (and dealing with Reese.) Living like that is tiring. But all the Reeke pics showed was relaxing casual recreational "together time" pics of them hanging out with nothing much to do. If Maggie said he was "exhausted" then there was way more time-consuming important things going on in the background with Jake than sidewalk strolls, vacations, local weekend trips and coffee with Reese, way more.
Here's a funny website parodying Reeke. It may have been posted before, if not it's quite funny.
Jake has a rival
I do think Ted is referring to Goose not wanting to be known as Goose and all the resultant attention that goes with that.
I do think that bearding may lose Toothy his Goose though and I think if that happens, he'll definitely marry Reese just to stave off loneliness.
Sad to hear about Stephen and Naomi's possible divorce. No matter what age you are, it's always painful to see your family fall apart. Also the Gyllenhaals seem like such a close family.
According to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale marriage at this point would be a really dumb idea since it's one of the biggest stress factors. And if you look at the scale, Jake's score is sky high as it is.
Dear Ted:
Who is the most loving, sweetest and hottest hubby: Toothy's or yours? Is Baby Tile old enough to walk?
Dear Tile-icious:
Mine. No.
Gray Goose= Toothy’s husband? Could this be literal or just a way of speaking about a long term relationship?
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