What the he..y? Just keep reading.
We all mess up. We all disappoint, anger, and even hurt people. We're human. It's all about the just trying to do it less, and trying to make it better the next time. Its the process, not the perfection.
That's how today is like movie making, a new take and new chance to make it better. Sometimes you get it in the first take, and other times you just have to keep trying over and over. Its the process more often than not that's the real lesson not the final version.
Have you ever heard an actor or a director who's said "That's it, it's perfect, I can do no more." Granted some think they are perfect and can do know wrong, but when talking about their role or movies, the usual answer is "If I could change that I would,"" next time I would do it this way." Its the process, the act.
Yom Kippur's (יוֹם כִּפּוּר) themes are atonement and repentance. It's saying I messed up and I need another take.
Now making amends isn't as easy at it looks, it should be and it shouldn't be. It should be easy to look at yourself admit what you've done, but it never is. And it shouldn't be easy because of some of the things you've done, some of the big stuff and even the little stuff , can be really lousy and you need to know that its lousy. Kind of like looking at dailies.
Today's a fresh start another year to work harder and get it better. For some every new day is a fresh start and another chance to get it right.
Cut yourself and others some slack - just try to make the next take better.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Movie Making is like what?
Posted by
Special K
8:26 AM
Labels: Another take, atonement, Forgiveness, Movie Making, Yon Kippur
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Details been known for boys who aren't out yet. Looks like Gawker outed Details. Gawker
Ted's asking some big questions today:
What say you, A.T. readers? Should reluctant celebs (and those who refuse to announce their sexuality either way) receive fair and equal questioning from the press about their love life as do breeders, or should we just leave 'em the ef alone?
Ted's poll and the current poll numbers:
Queer and Quiet, or Loud and Proud?
Should gay people's request for privacy be respected more than straight people's?
* 15.3% Absolutely—with all the homophobes out there, their best bet is to keep mum.
* 70.8% Hell no—if heteros are harassed, gays should be, too!
* 13.9% A celebrity's privacy should never be respected—they asked for it!
Awful Truth
Thank you for today's post and the Max Bruch Kol Nidrey!
G'mar chatimah tovah, (may you be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life), to all!
Very evocative music today.
Thanks for the heads up on Ted's poll. I will head over there to vote. I wonder if he is doing this because is thinking of outing someone. Not that he has not essentially outed him already.
For those of you that can't see Friday Night Lights until next year, ONTD has some pics of Taylor Kitsch (riggins). He is at that magic moment in life when his body could not be any more spectacular.
Ditto what Jayna said, and I hope that those who observe Yom Kuppur have an easy fast.
Interesting about Ted's poll. Didn't he just recently state in answer to a question about outing that he wouldn't do it? This may be in reaction to the Queen Latifah interview, in which the interviewer asked about the rumors but didn't press her when she gave the old "I keep my personal life private" line. This after talking about her parents and siblings. I do think reporters should press people on the hypocrisy of giving that kind of answer. Look at Cooper Andersen, who in his book apparently talks about every intimate detail of his life, except for his sexuality.
Thanks M for the heads up. :-)
Hi everyone!!!
Man, it's been so quiet the last couple of days, it reminded me of that scene in Moonstruck, you know the one? Towards the end when the whole family's sitting around the table, waiting for Johnny Cammareri to get there. They're all sitting there, looking at each other. And finally, GrandPops says "Somebody say something!"
LOLL! I just about got on here and said, "Somebody! Say something!"
One of my co-workers is signed out of the office today as "Atoning."
Very beautiful musical piece today, Wicked! Gorgeous. How restful while I am on my lunch hour. At the memorial service I was at last Saturday, this teenage boy played a violin solo. I've been to see the Symphony play, but that's always from a distance. To see this kid (and he's such a young kid, but he'd grown since I last saw him) playing that instrument with such adept fingers, I was in awe. How on earth does a person get such lovely, drawn out notes from those strings? Unbelievable. What a gift to be able to make that kind of beautiful music with such a beautiful looking instrument.
Great post today, Special. I believe in Yom Kippur everyday, then. And this is so true; we do. We get a re-do every day of our lives. It never undoes what has ripped off of my tongue; there's no taking that back (except maybe on a blog when you can delete your comment; oh, if only it could always be that easy). But everyday is a chance to start afresh.
That's why there are rainbows. It's the promise of sunshine after a dark day(s) of rain.
Boy, look at that last picture. Look at Jake's eyes. What is he looking so forlornly at? Was he sad that he couldn't stop to sign that piece of paper that's being thrust at him? That he just couldn't stop to speak to someone? Could just be a random moment, but I swear, I've never seen eyes that can speak a million words without a single one being spoken. Quite a single emotion caught in such a casual, hurried looking photo.
On the menu for lunch today (as if anyone cares, but I'm tellin ya anyway) is a can of Campbell's (free plug) Select Harvest Mexican Style Chicken Tortilla soup. It is darned good. It's supposed to be 2 servings to a can, but come on! Give me a break. I heartily recommend it and it's hardly at all spicy. Just has a tiny nip to it. That's all I can ever handle. A tiny nip.
Work is quiet, lot of people off for the holiday, although there are kids in with their parents since a couple of school districts have today off for the holiday.
Moonstruck definte fav. IMDB has the whole move to watch for free.
Favorite lines:
"Old man you give those dogs another piece of my food I'm gonna kick you til' you're dead"
"Y'know, you got them bad eyes, like a gypsy"
"Do you love him, Loretta?
Aw, ma, I love him awful.
Oh, God, that's too bad."
What is Ted up with this one? Have to wait and see what's gonna happen.
And last comment before I return to my lovely tasks for the day, I can't decide where I stand on celebrities and their privacy regarding their sexuality. For the most part, I don't care. I mean, I don't have to know. But it is really irritating if a celebrity just outright lies in the press about it or carries on a bearding charade.
And with an outed celebrity or a celebrity who is widely rumored to be gay, it really doesn't seem to affect the box office sales, does it?
And everyone knows now that Lance Bass is gay. He's on Dancing With the Stars. I'm not thinking about his sexuality while he's dancing. And, actually? He's had some hot moments with his partner, some good sizzle, if you ask me. So, what does it matter? I have to admit that I've been in the dark about this Prop. 8 that everyone's been talking about, but I see now what it's about and it's darned irritating as well. Leave it alone is what I say and leave the people alone. I don't understand why anyone would want to upend things. I think I'm getting off subject, lol!
Anyway, I'm torn. Sort of. I don't agree with outing people and I respect anyone's privacy in that regard. But what I don't care for is bearding and lying about it in an interview. Then again, hard to criticize when you're not in that person's shoes. I can't be self righteous about it. I think I just twisted myself up into one bit self-contradicting mess!
I've never seen eyes that can speak a million words without a single one being spoken. Quite a single emotion caught in such a casual, hurried looking photo.
That's what I find so striking about the picture.
Aw ma, I love him somethin awful.
I love that line!
"Snap out of it!"
What a nice moment in my day to share an exchange with you, Special! :)
You all have a great afternoon - we're on the downhill slide! It's Thursday and you know what that means.
TGIF and Austin Friday!!!!
Ronny Cammareri: I love you.
Loretta Castorini: [slaps him twice] Snap out of it!
My office is closed for the holiday, so I'm just enjoying hanging out on my sunny sofa with my cats.
I hadn't really focused on that picture, I find it very wrenching.
I think the press should call people on things like bearding if they know it's a lie. I don't see why people who outright lie like that should be given a pass just because they're gay. And maybe if that happened actors would stop doing it, or stop being expected to do it. The press and gossip columnists are part of the problem when it comes to homophobia in HW.
prairiegirl, Campbell soup for lunch ... sheesh. Darn good? Come on, what else do you eat, if that tastes good to you?
Lovely thoughts for today on Yom Kippur. You always have such wonderful posts, Special. G'mar chatimah tovah to all as well.
Re Ted's poll:
I'm torn as well; on the one hand, I do feel that it should be up to the individual as to whether or not they want to discuss their sexuality publicly. I as a straight person don't feel I have to discuss mine, unless I want to. I don't feel my personal info should be there for the taking by anybody who wants to know. I feel the individual should have control of their own life. All people's privacy should be respected, and we know that it's not all equal out there (yet) for gay and straight; gay people are subject to much more scrutiny, judgement, criticism, offers of redirection, subtle and not-so-subtle putdowns, job discrimination, and violence than the majority. It's a matter of survival and self-protection, unfortunately, so those who are out are very brave indeed. So, when we say het stars are subject to the same curiosity about the goings-on in their love lives, it isn't exactly the same.
On the other hand; hiding, pretending to be something you are not is not something I defend either. You've got to ask yourself what each of us owes to society if we are a member of a group, and do the most admired, esteemed and in the spotlight owe more than the average person to use that attention for good, and most of all, it can only damage the person hiding, and those involved in it with them, knowingly or unknowingly.
I should add that by there for the taking, I mean that because someone is famous does that make their private life a publicly traded commodity, as well as for civilian people.
The poll presents a tough question. What a sad thing it must
be to have to hide what you truly
are and to hide the true love of
your life. That is a tough choice.
All I can say is it is really like
living a lie. Another thing that
would be said is if your boyfriend
(Austin) gets fed up and leaves
you for good. That would be really
a heartache! I have a question-IF
Jake was to marry Reese, will you
concentrate mostly on Austin? I
have not posted because I am just
now getting to feeling better. It
has taken one week almost!
Ronnie Cammareri to Loretta
"I want you to go up there...and get in my bed !!"
Olympia Dukakis:
"Your life is going down the toilet!!"
prairiegirl, Campbell soup for lunch ... sheesh. Darn good? Come on, what else do you eat, if that tastes good to you?
Really, it was, lol! Hey, I try to be good for breakfast & lunch, and then at dinner, it all goes down the tubes.
Gotta check outta here; get my walk in and then it's on to class. No field trip tonight. Wonder what we'll talk about tonight, I have no idea.
There's a huge difference between not sharing all the details of your life and not sharing the details that most people do share, like marital status. I seriously doubt that even the most private straight person would hide the fact they were married.
Straight people don't have to discuss their sexuality because it's assumed that you are straight. And most people who are straight do make reference in conversations to their other half, even if it's just to say "me and my (husband, boyfriend, etc. ) went to that movie last night" when talking with people at the office, etc. People who are closeted don't do that, and even a lot of gay people who are not closeted are slower to talk that way in casual conversations, say around the water cooler at work so to speak.
Most people in my office are not open books when it comes to their lives, but everyone who is married or in relationship at one time or another mentions their other half in some way. I do mention my girlfriend in conversations that way too, but I'll admit that I don't do it with people I have very little interaction with. I've never been sure how much is that me just not being one to casually talk about my personal life, and how much of it is having a girlfriend. One thing I do know for sure, if it's someone I spend anytime at all talking to beyond a "I'll get that job done" or "nice weather" basis, then I am open about my girlfriend.
LONDON — Not one to gossip, but are Reese Witherspoon and man-child boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal having problems?
I sat near the couple at a coffee bar on London's Marylebone High Street, and let's just say that Jake was getting a right-ear bashing for “not supporting me on this.“
Quite what it was I never found out, but they left without speaking to each other. ...
Neil Sean for Fox News
Reese thinks her man is unsupportive
Whats most interesting about following Reeke is the insight it give you to the workings of pr. The looking for a London property is a prime example. First its a short term rental. Next its reeke are buying somewhere in Mayfair as if they are Russian olighargs (sic). It's pretty obvious that the need for security is because of something so totally un-related to Reeke.
Its all highly amusing. Now we have someone saying they just happened to overhear a conversation at a Marylebone coffee shop.. does this have anything to do with the entry in Heat (UK) magazine this week where someone saw a 'loved up Jake and Reese' at the same spot.
Its all rubbish, its all just makes you disrepect Jake a little bit more each time. Who knows what Austin and his friends and family make of this whole circus.
can I ask a serious question. if we take it as given that Jake and Austin are a very serious couple, with possible child, how do people think that Austin deals with the Reeke thing.
It must be a hard gig, I think we would all agree, but does he see it as something that shields him / them from public attention or do you think he resents it.
interested to hear what people think.. personally I go with the shielding from public attention angle.
Neil Sean is saying he heard this with his own ears. So PR didn't plant this one LOL. Sounds like Reese's personality is really hard to deal with. She sounds like an earbashing bitch. Run Jake. RUN!
LONDON — Not one to gossip, but are Reese Witherspoon and man-child boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal having problems?
I sat near the couple at a coffee bar on London's Marylebone High Street, and let's just say that Jake was getting a right-ear bashing for “not supporting me on this.“
Quite what it was I never found out, but they left without speaking to each other. ...
My answer above just concerned the question Ted framed - strictly as concerns Hollywood and tabloid gossip, and that it should be the choice of the person whose private life is up for grabs as to whether they wish to divulge it or not. I mentioned the inequalities and assumptions. As far as people just assuming you are straight, I'm not sure that's as common a heterocentric assumption as it once was, that is changing - I know I don't assume that about anyone.
About Austin - I truly think if all this is true, he must have very mixed feelings about it - it must offer them a way to maintain their privacy for now, but at a cost. How could he not resent seeing and reading about them out in public, while he has to stay in the background. To Jake's credit, he doesn't make it romantic and go overboard on the PDA. :)
If true, it's not surprising. I remember that extra on Brothers backin Feb. that blogged about Jake and Reese fighting, but at least with that they were both fighing, in this sighting it sounds like she was giving him an earful and he was just listening.
You sure it wasn't a pr plant to make them sound interesting? Reading it it sounds like he wasn't being suportive, that's not a negative to women.
There will be more sightings in London
Two cents said:
How could he not resent seeing and reading about them out in public, while he has to stay in the background.
My feelings all along. I don't know how Austin could not help but get upset about it sometimes. I don't care if he does know it's all fake. And I don't care how many times Jake would probably tell him he hated every minute of it. It would get very stomach abrasive you would think. If not, then I reckon Austin has a heart of steel.
Now, I agree also that Jake has gone very light on the PDA, to his credit.
Hey, I thought Neal Schon had left Fox in the morning to go do some pr work for the Royal Palace or something? I don't watch them anymore ever since they booted Edie off the morning team.
Well, if these sightings are true, then we must be due for some Reeke pictures, I'm sure. I don't know. I'm getting a feeling things are kind of rocky with them. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.
About Austin - I think it does shield them from the public and allow them to have the private life together they want. And I think having that life together is very very important to both of them.
Yes it would be tough to see Jake out in public with someone else and not yourself. But I'm sure he knows very well what he is inJake's life. And I agree M, while many could argue about Jake's behavior, he puts in minimal effort in trying making his time with Reese look anything romantic.
Before we jump on the There will be Reeke picture bandwagon.
There was no mention when he saw them, no date was given so you don't know when this happened. Could have been this week, last week, last month - he never said.
So grab a big shaker of salt and make a margarita and sip it slowly and enjoy it instead.
I don't see how anyone wouldn't resent the situation, so it is impossible for me to think anything that Austin doesn't resent it as well. Let's see, we get Jake traipsing around the globe: NYC, Mexico, Rome, London, Paris, going to the best restaurants, concerts, plays.....and if Austin wants to spend time with Jake he presumably is limited to doing it at home or at the home of friends and family. If Jake and Austin were going out together anywhere we'd have to get the occasional sighting of them, but nothing. Could Austin be spending time in London? It's possible, but again, even if he is, you know he's not out there sight-seeing, going to restaurants and museums, etc. with Jake.
We know Austin loves food as much as Jake, and music, basketball, and probably other activities that take him outside the home.
And I don't know why people seem to think you can't have both a gay partner and privacy! Plenty of HW couples manage to maintain their privacy without hiding their relationship. People can go to places where they know they won't get papped, even if they will be seen by people. We used to get plenty of sightings of J&A together before the bearding started. Think of that one at Virgin Records. Why would anyone care if they're sighted buying cds like that? And if you care that much about privacy, then you don't go into acting.
Does anyone here honestly think that they wouldn't resent such a situation, and, on some level, their partner? Is there anyone here who wouldn't be unhappy if they never got to go anywhere with their partner? And before you answer, remind yourself we're talking about something that has been going on for well over a year now.
Needed that, Special. Altho, not quite a margarita drinker. How bout a grapefruit slice or a lemon slice? I love salt on those two things.
I'm off to class. And like I was saying earlier about my eating habits. For dinner? Arby's roast beef and some yuck-o cheesesticks. What a rip. I think I got four. Sonic gives five, I think. And they tasted 2 days old. That's the last time I order them. Hard, collapsed cheese inside. I do not heartily recommend those. Maybe I ought to start a Prairie Girl's Fast Food Recommendations, huh? Or not, lol. Most people could care less what this midwesterner eats or thinks about it.
Destiny, I'm going to have to read your rant when I get back. And I say that in the most loving sense!!!! A big ol' hug to you.
Let me put it in more concrete terms. Does anyone here think really think Austin wouldn't love to go to another Lakers game with Jake and sit courtside? Or go for a romantic dinner at the Jar? A walk on the beach on a beautiful day?
And if you don't think Austin wouldn't want to do any of these things, I'd like to hear exactly why.
Thanks for the hug PG. I have to admit this topic really gets me riled up.
I love a good meal, but I like my junk food too. I had a late lunch of buffalo wings and fries today.
As far as people just assuming you are straight, I'm not sure that's as common a heterocentric assumption as it once was, that is changing - I know I don't assume that about anyone
People constantly assume I'm straight and always have. It shocks me because I think I'm pretty obviously not.
I'm sure Austin would love to do all of these things with Jake. Yes, I agree that the resentment would carry over to their partner. I miss sightings of them too. It was very beautiful!
I didn't eat much today, just didn't have much of an appetite, and I don't even celebrate Yom Kippur! I've always been the empathic type I guess. Have a great night all, and a good class for PG. :)
^^sorry that should read "observe" not celebrate.
I do think he would like to do those things, who wouldn't with the man you love. And I think they do go out in West Hollywood, NY, and LA, but I think they make it a point not be photographed together anymore. Jar last fall case in point. Jake went out to face the paps alone.
After all the attention they got from the Lakers games and then looking at the pictures of them out together after that you can see that Austin seems to be a little uncomfortable with that level of attention on them.
I think they would like just to have that regular life they want and be left to have it without public intrusion.
T.R. the First Gay Star to actually donate to No on 8.
I don't think they're going out together anywhere. In 18 months we've had one sighting that might have been Austin with Jake. And I'm talking about sightings, not photographs. We have not had any sighings of Jake with Austin or of Jake with an unidentified male, except that one in Santa Monica. You can control the paps, you can't control the public.
I'll agree that Austin started looking uncomfortable in later pictures, but how much of that was trying not to look like a gay couple because they were read the riot act by Jake's pr, and Jake trying to run into the closet?
Nobody can keep this up, that's why so many closeted stars just play around and don't have real relationships. But what kind of life is that?
And what kind of life is it that Jake and Austin are putting up with now. And don't even get me started on Baby Tile, or I'll never stop. :-D
Bottom line?? I think that this can't go on for much longer without it seriously damaging their relationship, especially with a child to consider.
It's like having an affair with a married man. Sneaking around, staying home. No fun. There is only one reason for Jake needing a home with an entry through the garage. To hide the people in the backseat of the car. Austin and Babytile. Reese may have acted as a cover while he looked at houses, but there is no reason to hide her or her kids when they visit. Only Austin & babytile.
Isn't Austin currently filming OTH in N.C.? When would he have time between now and December to go over there?
There are ways to be together when working apart in London and NC. Not cheap but you can do it.
two cents, you cracked me up with that "celebrate" instead of observe.
I knew right where you were going, Destiny, that's why I gave you a big hug. And I'm going to bite my tongue for right now until I see some pictures of Reeke, if there are to be any. I'm thinking she must be over there, tho. Sure alot of talk right now. Not that I believe all of it. But....oh, I dunno now. Who knows. I'll just sit on my hands for right now, LOL!
friendly skies, lol! like that one.
You know... and I'm getting ready to rip off a couple posts, people, so either scroll down or bear with me here! as I don't know how long I'm going to go.... the one thing that bugs me about a baby Tile is this separation thing. Now I'm trying to figure this all out in my head. You go in together and have a baby by surrogate or whatever. And I can understand Jake doing PoP because it's the big $$$ that, with proper investment could really help them financially. Okay, I get that. But then you have the baby and your career takes you virtually away most of the time from this baby (not to mention your significant other) for a year, mind you. The first year of this kid's life? When this baby is starting out with all the diapers, the cooing, the rocking, the crawling, the first rollover, the first laugh, the first burp, the first everything! The only father I know who would miss out on virtually all of that would be a father who has just been sent off to Iraq, not by his choice. This is what doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand that at all. Jake's missing out on that first year of his first kid's life? I just find that so stinkin unbelievable. Really not good planning, I don't think. I think I would've put off the family a year or two.
After the trip to Rome last Oct Jake has stayed in LA until April, when going to do Nailed but who's to say that the baby didn't go to SC for some of it?
If you look,until recently Jake and Austin tried not to work at the same time. There was a overlap when Austin made Prayers for Bobby, but Nailed was two weeks behind schedule and if it would have stayed on scheduled only one of them would have been working.
Who's to say that they weren't in London or Morocco for part of the time until Austin starting working on OTH. And I agree Friendly Skies you can make it work, lot of planning and not cheap but it can be done.
Interesting class tonight with some details given on what is done to the body by the mortuary; things I'm glad I know now, although I had already planned to be cremated. Now I'm all the more relieved that's what I'm planning.
Then, a stop @ Target to finish candy buying for my pumpkin that is a yearly Halloween tradition on my desk. It's a fabric pumpkin that's probably 20 years old. You lift his lil stem lid to dig inside and find some of the best sugar filled treasures that this country has to offer. Let's see, this year, we have mini Heath bars (of course), Junior Mints, Baby Ruths, Pixie Stix, Red Twizzlers, Lifesaver Gummies, Kit Kats, mini Tootsie Pops, and Whoppers. That oughta get the sugar buzz going in the office tomorrow, lol! We'll be bouncing off of each other.
I have a question if someone knows the answer. Why is gas plummeting right now? I passed 2.85 this evening after my walk. I didn't fill up; I waited until after class and I had to pay 2.95. Not happy about that, but anyway, does anyone know why it's just falling like it is? I ran into my neighbor on my way out the door tonight and she said she heard that they're trying to stimulate the economy. But if that's the case, then that means this whole $4.00/gallon business was all a big crock. Is there a political/economic major out there who can enlighten me? In a more simple term, of course.
After the trip to Rome last Oct Jake has stayed in LA until April.
Not exactly. He was over in New Mexico filming brothers from end of 2007 to early 2008.
I just don't know, Special. Part of me can see it being possible. Part of me still sees all the constant Reeke we had up until this past month. And I'm not saying at all that I believe Reeke, I don't. But the amount of time spent Reeking. When you would think he'd've (triple contraction!!!) rather been with Austin and their first new child?
But then, as you say, sometimes it takes something big to cover up something big. I think that's how you put it. That makes sense, too.
I'm just going to see what happens next, I guess.
Destiny, you have cats? You know, one of my dogs that I watch is Chloe and Chloe has a brother, a beautiful cat named Major. 15 yr old Major. He's beautifully colored. I've never been a cat person until Major. He's so soft and he lets me stroke him now. I like the way he rubs up along my leg just a little bit. Pretty independent fellow.
Hmmm, and buffalo wings. Those are spicy, aren't they?
Well, I have to go pack. I'm watching the wieners this weekend. Thankfully, at their house, I can piggyback off of somebody's wireless and not have to go spend $4 for a latte to sit at a table. I have My Beautiful Laundrette, courtesy of the ol' Netflix, and I'm going to watch that. I also have Two Hands (Heath Ledger's first film) and he is so beautiful looking in it. But it's getting tense and I had to stop it. May have to wait and watch it with someone else - I don't like watching those kind alone.
After the trip to Rome last Oct Jake has stayed in LA until April.
Not exactly. He was over in New Mexico filming brothers from end of 2007 to early 2008.
Sorry forgot about that one, my bad.
Oh, I gotta get Heath bars for Halloween.
According to my political/economic pahtnah, yes, the price of gas has dropped and demand is down, but it won't last long. OPEC will cut production to stablize oil prices. Let's hope for a mild winter!
I don't know if any of you watch CSI, but Warrick was killed. I felt like part of the family is gone! Sara is back tho.
prairiegirl, just curious what's your weight?
Demand is certainly down and retailers are already crying the blues over what they anticipate will be a low-budget Christmas. What got me thinking, too, is if gas were to stay down in price, maybe go down a little more, then what are the restaurants & grocers going to do? Would they keep their prices up where they are? I reckon they'd figure they could make up some ground by keeping the prices up. Or would some things fall back down pricewise to where they used to be? I swear, even with a coupon, Long John Silver's is right up there. I can't figure out what their deal is, unless it's because of the price of cooking oil. And they certainly would use alot of that, lol!
Well, I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over what was "overheard", what was "seen", and all of that business. Kind of reminds me of all those sightings at Martha's Vineyard last summer. Funny, we never, ever actually saw a picture of the 2 of them together there. I love how we only ever get verbal reports of them "sucking face", never any Kodak verification. But we'll get Kodak verification of everything else. I am so ready for the whole charade to be over. When you look at Jake & Austin now and how they've physically changed in just a year's time, it'd be something else to see a picture of what a power couple they could be. Really would be an awesome picture. It can only happen with photoshop, I guess. Not happening right now, that's for sure.
Not to end on a downer note, tho. Tomorrow's Austin Friday, and hey, guess what? It's the BIG V time, yessir, it is! Next week is another, the last full week of V-time in 2008 for the ol P-girl. At 7am tomorrow, it'll be 8 hrs and counting.....
Man, Fatso, that's pretty low. Spoken like a true female, I reckon. Don't you worry, I'm quite proportionate. I'm going to bite my tongue now before I say anything else that's not nice. Giminy's.
Well, for cripes sake, I was going to end on an upbeat note, but ol' Fatso had to go and blow that. You know, it's sad that even on the internet, there's always got to be the playground bully, the class snickerer, the Sharpay, the Mean Girl of the group. I'm sorry that that is your outlook on things; kind of takes the joy out of living for you, doesn't it?
Sweet dreams, everyone. I've got to hit the hay - alarm goes off pretty early tomorrow a.m.!
Don't pay any mind to the trolls--or babblers--PG. When they can't convert people to their way of thinking they eventually try to scare people off by using the tactics of a 15 year-old school bully. Most of us who've posted on a regular basis have been picked on at one time or another, some of us back on WFT1. I know it's hard sometimes, but ignoring them is the best way to stop them.
What does weight have to do with anything being discussed?
I think a critical factor is that Austin has been virtually invisible for a very long time. Good chance he has been right by Jake all along, keeping a low profile. We know jake has another life, witness the mysterious foot injury. While we have seen Reeke periodically, it's not really all that often when you stop to think about it. A couple followed non stop by paps but we can still count the times they are seen together on 2 hands. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Who's to say that they weren't in London or Morocco for part of the time until Austin starting working on OTH
Do babies have to get shots when they go to foriegn countries like Morocco? The adults have to get special shots. What if the baby hasn't had their series of regular shots, is it safe for them to travel a lot?
Don't know if it was taken today in LA but looks like it which means she's not in London coffeehouse pissed off at Jake.
On the Phone
LOL, lube run for Jake. Crabbie is funny.
If Jake was so concerned about security, then he would not be looking for a flat to rent in Mayfair, SOHO or NH. And he would have some PA or someone associated with Diney to do the scouting since the Times/UK story said that Disney is footing the bill. Doing it himself wouldbring too much attention.
The area around Pinewood is much more private and convinent and really nice, no need to worry about garages and such.
The story is probably exagerrated, since the previous place was so open and they supposedly didn't really stay there.
Think Reese picked this up when she grabbed the lube?
T shirt
Nahhh.. it screams Austin.
That blog took that picture from Jake watch!! Thats Chris next to him.
Good morning, everyone! Off to work & just wanted to wish you all a happy Austin Friday!
Well, as usual, takes a good car ride to work to get me to work out thoughts in my head.Apologies to everyone for my 12:01 post - I know name calling is a no no around here and it dawned on me that's what I was doing. Special, if you want to delete my 1201 comment, I wouldn't mind at all. Not proud of it - I don't have my little trashcan, otherwise I would do it myself. And on the day of Yom Kippur, of all things.
My flesh can get very weak as is evident for all to see. Sometimes is best to just avoid those temptations rather than confront them in my case, anyway. Makes me realize when I need to take a step back & get a grip.
Anyway, it's going to be a good day and I look forward to my day trip tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Don't mind the trolls, PG, as destiny said we've all had it at one time or another. The real people here love you :)
Am confused after a few days away from the 'net about the coffee shop "story".
^ (assuming Reese is not in London).
Yes PG, you really haven't been initiated into the group until you've been insulted by a troll, lol. They still need to crown you with a tinhat, now that's the pinnacle. It really is best to ignore them, because they thrive on antagonizing people, and when you don't give that to them, they kind of wither away like the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz, complete with cackling and curled-up feet, if you can picture that. We have a saying - Please Don't Feed the Trolls. Actually, it's kind of amusing, some of the troll posts. :)
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