What 's better for Austin F'ing Fridays - than pictures of Austin on the set of OTH in Wilmington!
Check out Austin Nichols' Journal (Spooky) and Austin Media (Hjulia) for more pictures from the set. Big thanks to Christy Anne who took the pictures.
To: Wardrobe Dept.
From: Executive Producers
RE: Character Julian Beckett
Date: September 30, 2008
Initial look good for Beckett character - perfect. Definitely a Hollywood causal vibe - go with the Gyllenhaal look . Tight dark washed jean, boots, slim fit dress shirt untucked work well on film.
One revision - please put pockets on the front of the shirt. No nipplage. We want to save that for when Julian and Peyton have any love scenes in upcoming episodes. Please refer to the earlier memo from standards and practices for standard sizes and differential for pockets vs. nipple size.
They do know that's Austin just walking around in his regular clothes don't they?
Don't tell them that pull the pocket memo and put some pockets on this shirt, we'll tell Austin since the pants and boots fit and read well on camera we want to use his.
TO: Executive Producers
FROM: Wardrobe Dept.
RE: Julian Beckett
DATE: October 1, 2008
Will go with the look per your comments. Please notice pockets have been add to dress shirt according to the Standard and Practices memo.
OMG's JFC discussion of Episode 2 - October 17th - October 18th.
OMG Movie Club - October 24th - October 25th.
But we need movies suggestions for movie club. Any suggestions for our October movie discussion? Please make them today, and we will vote this Sat. and Sunday for your favorite choice.
and just one more thing...

Hey, forgot to mention something this morning. Want a good toe-tapper to listen to in the car? "Spotlight" by Jennifer Hudson, one of my favorite "Repeat" songs. Just keep hitting REW/REP after that one. The lyrics are kind of a downer because she's disappointed in her boyfriend, but I don't care - it's a smooth, rockin song.
Hey, Special, you were quick with those Austin pictures. Good morning to you! I'll have to read the post because I'm at work now.
Yea, the big boss is out today!!! :)
Almost forgot - happy Austin Friday to everyone!
dangit - I meant I'll have to read the post later. Typos = In too big a hurry!
Finally - the man has been located! He looks great too. Happy 2nd Birthday to Ramona! :)
I enjoyed your post about the banned books, OMG - hard to believe some of them are still showing up on banned lists! Thank goodness for independent thought and freedom of speech. I'll be sure to read And Tango Makes Three, it sounds very sweet.
What a great treat for Austin Friday! He does look as though he's bulked up quite a bit and it looks great on him.
Thanks Spooky, HJulia and Special. Wow, what a wonderful surprise.
Austin is sure looking good. Maybe he spent some time working out with Jake while he was getting ready for PoP. I just hope he isn't bulked up too much. Could also just be his age; I read somewhere that people's bodies go through big changes every 7 years or so, which would mean Austin is at that age for that. A lot of guys transition from that boyish look/body in their late 20s.
Another thing: Austins ears look smaller! Maybe its the haircut? Or he had them reduced?! LOL Could be he's gained weight from "see Dada eat yummy food, now its babys turn for spoon" sitting around snacking and watching soaps all day because he can't get out of the house much. I've been there!
Loving the Austy Goodness!
Before we get too lost in it here are some movies that have been suggested as choices recently or for previous movie clubs - excuse me if I miss some,
Sum of Us
Too Wong Foo
Short Bus
Torch Song Trilogy
My Beautiful Laundrette
Auntie Mame
Different Girls
Ed Wood
We also talked about a Hal Ashby movie - some suggestions were:
Harold & Maude
The Dying Gaul
Or do you want to do a Jake or an Austin movie this time?
Austin looks terrific. I think the short hair really suits him. Gives him an edgy look. I would not want him to give up his beautiful hair long term, but it's good for a bit. I am guessing Jake likes it too. Austin does look less boyish now.
You could tell Jake has had it with the fauxmance back in the Paris pictures. The only time he snapped to attention was when the cute blond(male) walked by.
Prairie Girl I will be in DC myself on business later this month. Only there for about 24 hrs though, but I plan to swing up to visit Boston for a few days before returning home. Never been there before and a city I've always wanted to see.
Hey drop a line to OMG and let me know the dates. October is an awesome time in Boston.
Special K said...
One more thing:
To all of you who read OMG. If I have said something in haste, emotion or jest in this past year that has offended you or made you feel uncomfortable in participating here, I am truly sorry. We all have moments when we let it fly and even at our best we sometimes slip. So the wish is for 5769 that we can wipe away any hard feelings felt and start anew in a new year.
September 30, 2008 10:24 AM
Special I don't think that is the case at all. You and Wicked do a great job. OMG is a wonderful site.
I've seen no reason why anyone would be upset with you and I check in everyday.
You haven't been given a lot to work with from Jake or Austin for a long time. Austin has given us some fun photos but Jake has given us nothing buy reeke. My best wishes for this year is that we see the end of reeke.
Buy = but
Speaking of an awesome time in Boston in October how in the heck much fun would a Phils vs. Red Sox World Series be.
Speaking of an awesome time in Boston in October how in the heck much fun would a Phils vs. Red Sox World Series be.
Oh you would be killing me since the Phils are my NL team.
Right now I am sitting in the virtual waiting room trying to get tickets for an ALCS game - I got a second chance to try for them. Wish me luck
If the Phils and Sox were both in the Series, I think Tom and Spesh should go to a game together. Hopefullly they would both still be alive at the end of it.
Hate Austin's short hair. I've only seen the pics that are posted here, since my work computer won't open them at Spooky's. Gotta see the full set when I get home. Maybe I'll like it more if I see more pics.
Got standing room for ACLS Game 5. Hey it's in Fenway, post season can't ask for more.
Austin really looks great. I tend to agree with you, Destiny. The guys who tend to be rail thin in their youth, eventually fill out. They also lose those angular, high cheekbones. Those are what I miss, those high, hollowed, chiseled cheekbones! I don't usually like the buzz cut, but it looked good in Glory Road. And those jeans - those look like the kind Jake wears all the time. Probably the same label.
I wanted to go back a minute to the Star rag article (thanks, Reeke epic for that retype as I think my eternal subscription may've finally run its course!). It's the lead story on Star mag.com. Now I don't believe 3/4 of what ol' Star prints, but they're entertaining, as this one is. Now, I thought it was Reese's idea that she go to the hotel with the kids. And why should they rent a place with umpteen bedrooms for everyone when I can't imagine her making that many trips, pulling the kids out of school/preschool everytime, and besides, I had read somewhere else that Ryan P. was going to have the kids while she was out promoting her new movie with Vince. Oh, and what is with the line about them trying to rediscover why they are having a relationship to begin with? If they don't have that reason anymore & have to go searching for it, lol, uh, I think that "relationship" might be tapped out.
M, that's cool that you're going up to DC. And take in Boston, the ol' Beantown, at the same time. I can't wait til I can go. I'm really excited about the prospect of it all.
Movies? I think the Dying Gaul sounds really good. Harold & Maude does, too, but since I've flooded this place with so much recent unwanted jabber about my funeral class, that probably wouldn't be a good idea, LOL! And of course, I'll also throw in a vote for Auntie Mame (can we vote more than once?) I've also heard To Wong Foo is good (Clarity, there's your movie you like!)
Hi All,
My votes:
Torch Song Trilogy - I have never seen this, and always wanted to.
My Beautiful Laundrette - I love this one.
Ed Wood - Johnny Depp is delightful and charming - he's so good at expressing feeling & emotion in his roles, and in this one, the pure love of film that Ed Wood had comes shining through, and an innocence.
Fatherhood certainly seems to agree with someone. ;)
Sorry if I shoot off several comments in a row. I have a nice lunch break going and actually can take my time typing. That and dogsitting will nix my activity tonight.
I wanted to apologize for my ignorance last night in speaking about the vice presidential debate. I know everyone on here certainly knows alot about political agendas & whatnot; I am not going to pretend at all that I do, because I don't. I am a registered Republican & I kinda apologize for that, too, because I seem to be a 1% stat in that regard here, too. Don't hold that against me!! Parties don't make a big difference to me. Whatever someone believes is what I care about. I suppose that's what being in a political party is all about, but I don't necessarily follow everything the Republicans do. I do plan to try and read up on these 4 political figures so I can made the best educated vote that I can. That's the best I can offer there.
Wicked said:
Hate Austin's short hair
Lol, short & to the point, Wicked! Love it. (your comment, not his hair!) Well, his cut is okay; for some reason, it's not looking exactly the same as in Glory Road. I think that's because his face is changing. You know something else, this guy is rarely seen. And when you don't see people very often, changes in their appearance stand out more so than when you see them everyday in the office or whatever.
Oh, My Beautiful Laundrette sounds good, too. It takes place in London & I always love the scenery/backgrounds in movies that take place there.
Congratulations on getting your playoff tickets, Special. Always makes it worth it being on hold for that long. Or rather on the computer.
Everyone have a great rest of the day. We are at 3 hrs & counting!
Yes, congrats Special, enjoy those tickets!
PG, we adore you - you never need to apologize for anything. I do hope we can get to meet you one day at an OMG get-together. That's the best anyone can do in politics, what you're doing, reading up and trying to make the best decision you can.
I forgot to add that Ed Wood is a Tim Burton film too. :)
so I can made the best educated vote that I can.
Dagnabit again! so I can make.
Giminy's, I type all stinkin day long on the computer keyboard and you'd think I could type right on my posting.
Thanks, netb, I will get up there, Lord willing! Yes, we should all meet up. Wouldn't that be a blast? I'd be kind of nervous, but it'd be worth it. We'd have some good laughs, I'm sure, and I am always up for a good laugh.
And I wanted to ask Valentino when is a good time to do our fantasy Merv Griffin roundtable? I know that I didn't know you really could do such a thing, but I am up for it, too, if anyone wants to. Destiny, you did, too, right?
Okay, now I'm signing off for good. I've got cra- oops, stuff waiting for me here.
PG, nothing to be nervous about - we've mostly all met - Wicked, Spesh, Tom, Destiny and Sara, R, I hope I haven't forgotten anyone, and they are all good people, and still would love to meet many more. :)
[Starting over because there were too many mistakes in my post]
Ditto what netb said about not apologizing PG.
Congratulations Special, I know from experience how hard it is to get tickets to coveted events.
I've seen The Dying Gaul; it has its flaws, but I think it is a very interesting film, and P. Saarsgaard is amazing in it. I think the film would make for some interesting discussions because it toches on a lot of things we talk about here.
I usually agree with Wicked about the short hair on Austin, but I think he looks really great in these pictures. When he was younger the short hair made him look to much like a kid; now he's old enough to pull it off. But he is also less distinctive-looking in these photos, and I suspect that may be the buzz cut, although it could just be the camera angles.
Someone needs to tell Spooky its One Tree Hill not One Three Hill. Musta been too excited when posting the pics?! (and ok I admit I saw it on my 3rd visit)(or maybe it was the 5th?)
PG - no need for apologizing and you're what this election needs, people who want make the best educated vote they can and who VOTE. That's the key. Get out and vote.
Don't be nervous, a lot of us have met and we had fun. I don't think I bite. Do I bite?
I like the short hair on Austin. He's a boy no more,now he's just one big tall good looking man. He and Jake - OH MY! WHOO MAMA.
Do I bite?
Nope. And having to deal with Tink is enough to make anybody bite!
Sarah Palin debate flow chart
I love that chart.
I don't know if that Star story is pr-approved, but it is sure making the rounds.
Popsugar picks up the Reese and Jake having problems with distance story
She's wearing a wedding band on the middle finger of her left hand.
Forgive my OT rant -
I was dashing out the door today and happened to see part of a headline saying "a little melamine in the food supply wouldn't hurt anyone, except in baby formula, after more adulterated food from China has turned up in Australia.
I'm sorry, but people have the right to know what's in their food, otherwise it is and adulterated product. I don't think a dr. would agree that an industrial chemcial, used in plastic dinnerware and countertops when combined with formaldehyde, and pesticides, is safe in the food supply, just because it is cheap to use and falsely raises the protein count due to its high level of nitrogen. This is iniexcusable IMO. That's why we created the FDA in this country, to protect consumers health in food, drugs and cosmetics. Incidentally, FDA inspections and FDA inspectors have been cut by the present administration, but this is where some of our tax money should go, to protect our health and food supply, wouldn't you agree? Where it can lead to seious health problems including renal failure, I don't want someone else making the decision on what is and is not safe for me to injest, especially if they don't tell you so that they can make money.
Thanks. :)
Austin Definitely looks like he is losing his boyish looks. I like it. Upper body wise he sure has bulked up. Plus I like the short hair. Austin looks like someone who is now a happy and content man.
Hopefully one day we will find out what is agreeing with him so well.
Great Austin pics. I like the short hair myself. I think the diff looks on him are pretty cool. He does have really nice hair though so I think he should take advantage of it. I think everyone should explore diff looks on themselves though.
PG there's nothing to apologize for. Everyone's not into politics. Some of my dearest friends aren't either and I luv them just the same : )
My Beautiful Laundrette and Bound are great movies that I wouldn't mind watching again - but whatever we all pick is fine with me.
Waited too long for pictures of Austin - ignoring Reese. Is that wardrobe or his real clothes? Never seen him in the dark jeans like Jake wears they look good.
I love those jeans on him too, but I would imagine they were picked out by the wardrobe department. I think he should add them to his clothes collection.
Looking goooooood, Austin :D
Hmmm, next film club - well, last time everyone intrigued me with Shortbus, so ...
Forgive my giddiness today -
Not only is it Austin Friday, Austin has been found, I saw a bald eagle today! Our town has been working to restore them to the area, and I have been looking to see one for a long time, and today, a honey flew overhead. Magnificent! Happy Austin Friday!
Voting: While it is important to get out there and vote, an ill-informed vote is a wasted one. It's a difficult and sometimes unpleasant and disappointing subject, I think people should do the very best they can to be informed on the issues, the ones important to them. It's why we're in the mess we're in today, I truly believe. For example, everyone is upset about the possibility of offshore drilling, but did you know there are approx. 3800 platforms off the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi already? I don't know how many are off the coast of CA, the East Coast, or the Maritime provinces. They weren't built yesterday.
Any film we pick will be fine, except I'm not thrilled by the sound of Short Bus, sorry! (I just can't relate ;) )Maybe I should give it a chance tho. ;)
I was (pleasantly) surprised to see these new shots of Austin. He's turned into a man somewhere along the line. A very attractive one, natch ;-)
(Doesn't he make the other people on set look short?)
WDW has a new picture of Jake. Check it out
Smiling Jake at WDW
Looks like he's getting used to the long hair.
Jake doesn't look good.
unusual video by John Barrowman
cheesy but cute
I think Jake looks good. Different and for the movie, but good.
I agree with :). Jake's face looks kind of puffy to me, and he doesn't look like his usual self.
I think the length hair the way he's grinning and the angle it was shot makes his face look a little fuller than usual.
It looks like he's had his hair darkened up too.
But you just have to love that smile.
And pictures of Austin AND Jake on the same day! WOO!
I think it's just angle of the shot too, his big grin, and getting used to his long hair. I hope there are more pics!
Wow, Austin, Jake and a bald eagle in the same day - that's gotta be a good omen. ;)
Love the hair tucked behind the one ear, you can tell he's getting more used to it long.
I love that too, his hair tucked behind one ear. :)
The wall behind Jake aint the Dorchester thats for sure!
It was taken at the Pinewood studio.
Nice picture of Jake. I think he looks good. Nice to see the grouchy guy smile. Very sexy actually. Hee sure loks good without the other beard.
Cut it. Oh well, at least he shaved!
Pic is from Flynet
Shocking, I know.
Got a ton of alerts about the Jake-and-Reese-are-drifting-apart story in my Google mail today. Fingers crossed.
Maybe Jake is happy in the pic because he got his Google alert "Jake-and-Reese-are-drifting-apart"
He is wearing a ring on his left middle finger too!!
No ring in the car pictures.
10:06 PM, what pic are you looking at? The only one I've seen you can barely see Jake's body because the car door is blocking him. Where else are there other pics. BTW, I think his face looks much heavier. But, I notice that whenever he's by himself he's always smiling and he never smiles around the General. Hope this drifting apart story is the beginning of the official Reeke break up story.
IHJ has more pics
Strange looking ring, probably part of the Prince costume:
Amazing how flynet always finds jake and Reese and I thought the Pinewood studio was a closed set!!
The Star story is BS and not PR approved because it makes Reese look deseperate, just filler.
Now that flynet has got "permission" to go on set, watch or a Reese visit to "reconnect" again.
The ring looks like it's part of the costume but I find it interesting that two days in a row they are wearing a ring on their middle left finger and her ring is not the usual ring she sometimes wears but it looks like a gold band.
And they both made sure the paps got a good look at it.
ring+ drinking with straw = prolly onset. models/actores drink with straws so makeup isn't ruined.
And they both made sure the paps got a good look at it.
Paps got a good look at Jake without the ring - ring is obviously part of the costume.
The Star story is BS and not PR approved because it makes Reese look deseperate, just filler.
Well then, does it not follow that all of the Star, OK and US stories are BS as well?
I think its coincidence. R usually wears a band on her left middle finger. She has different ones she wears. Jakes ring was on him onset but not in the car-leaving pics. a tough fighting Prince would wear a ton of rings on every finger or if it was only one ring it would be on middle fingers. Anywhere else for one ring on a warriors hand would look less 'powerful'
ring is obviously part of the costume.
Wouldn't surprise me if this is true. But why is Reese wearing a ring that looks very similar to it on the same finger of the same hand and the pics of each of them came out on the same day? Hard to believe that's a coincidence.
enjoying pictures of Austin and of Jake on the same day too much to worry about PoP costume jewelry.
It's great to see both of their smiles on the same day.
The rest of the pictures on IHJ he looks good - and I think the picture that WDW has of him was when they caught him with a big piece of apple in his mouth. : )
There are no coincidences in HW.
But why is Reese wearing a ring that looks very similar to it on the same finger of the same hand and the pics of each of them came out on the same day?
Rings are not similar at all.
He had the ring on for a couple pictures and it was gone. Bullshit it being a ring with Reese. Jake would never be happy and smiling if he was tied to her that that.
Wicked said But why is Reese wearing a ring that looks very similar to it on the same finger of the same hand and the pics of each of them came out on the same day?
what pics of reese are you talking about? I havent seen any esp not her wearing a ring like Jakes.
Jake and Reese had a Buddist cermony last month. April Fool.
Check out X17 pics.
...about the Reese and Jake distance thing.
Reese Witherspoon Should Be Worried
Let's be honest here. Jake Gyllenhaal is running around all day in silk pants and his shirt off. It was only a matter of time before he remembered he liked penises. And it will only be a matter of time before the government pays for erasing my memory and leaving me for dead. Or so they thought......
I like the idea of My Beautiful Laundrette. The scene where Daniel Day Lewis pours champagne from his mouth to his lovers is really hot. I wonder what happened to the actor that played his lover.
Photos of Jake and Austin on the same day. Could not ask for more except that they be photographed together. Jake looks a little rough around the edges. I'm reminded of Ang Lee's comment about the need to be careful what angle Jake is photographed.
I vote for My Beautiful Laundrette or Too Wong Foo.
It was only a matter of time before he remembered he liked penises. And it will only be a matter of time before the government pays for erasing my memory
Interesting. Is he saying he's been with Jake??
Sorry, To Wong Foo.
Shaddup Special I don't want to hear it. LOL
In the new IHJpics Jake is wearing a shitload of leather/stone/primitive metal necklaces so yea the ring is part of required warrior wardrobe not a Reese love proclamation.
I expect a Reeking any time now, it's scheduled and then someone can write a crappy space-filler about them reconnecting.
This Reeking could go on forever. We need to find a husband for Reese fast. Someone very rich who doesnt mind playing 2nd fiddle and being treated like a peon. Know anyone?
^ ^ ^
Henry Kissinger comes to mind.
I think often of Ang Lee's comment tht Jake is hard to photograph, also of the GQ interview where the interviewer remarks that Jake has the face of a comedian.
In the new pictures his lips seem very pink and glossy - and in one of them he looked very womanly - I was quite startled by these pictures, first glance.
Even in films where he is mostly beautiful, there are many different faces of him. Im always intrigued.
...and in one of them he looked very womanly
Which one?
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