Back in 1999 two actors did had their first big roles in a movie.
Wonder what they've been up to ?
Don't forget OMG's Movie Club is this Friday, October 23 and Saturday October 24th, starting Friday at 5:00PM EST.
This month's movie is My Beautiful Launderette.
Monday, October 20, 2008
.... like it's 1999
Posted by
Special K
9:54 AM
Labels: Austin, Durango Kids, Jake, Movies, October Sky
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I never thought about that before, funny coincidence. I've seen October Sky, but I haven't seen Austin's first effort yet.
WOW that top picture of Austin. he looks older than Jake but they were the same age in 99. I'll be driving by the high schools today for sure!
There once was a lover of Reese
Who was bound to her by a signed lease
But his passion is penis
Which is far from her venus
When will the charade ever cease?
New Leo DL gossip:
"Okay, I know none of you have reason to believe me and I don't have a link for you because this is all word of mouth but I SWEAR this is true.
I work in the fashion industry and I have a colleague who works for Victoria Secret and he worked with Gisele Bundchen numerous times. Well today he dropped the bombshell on me that she's a lesbian! Not only is she a lesbian but she was bearding for Leo DiCaprio AND her current "boyfriend" Tom Brady who are both GAY.
The result of the Gisele/Leo union was masterminded by her agents at IMG Models and Ken Sunshine, Leo's infamous publicist. For several years they "dated" and generated good press for both while keeping each other closeted. Win/win situation for both.
Now keep in mind that IMG is the same agency that ran the career of another young, ambitious model Bar Rafaeli. When the Gisele tired of pretending to be with Leo and wanted out IMG saw the perfect opportunity to push Bar upon Leo and continue the strategy. Good press = money success. It worked. No one knew who the hell Bar Rafaeli was before she started bearding for Leo.
I wish I had more juicy information about Tom Brady who I'm really interested in but my friend only knew about the Gisele/Leo coupling."
Ten or so years ago, there was a blind item in the Bay Area Reporter which is the San Francisco Gay Rag. The item was very thinly written and I remember one funny part: The guy in question has a mushroom cap that isn't interested in kitties. But his management and family have pressured him to stay in the closet for the sake of his film career. It implied that he really wanted to be honest and open.
Read on DL years ago that when Leo was younger and even hotter than now, not that he's chopped liver, he insisted on taking his boyfriend on to the red carpet for a big premiere. All his people had to move heaven and earth to dissuade him, which they finally managed.
It seemed that the routine dynamic had been flipped: gay star at ease and coping, his industry entourage busy with containment strategy. If Leo thought he had nothing to lose, he had more power.
Mr. Blackwell (worst dressed list) has died. He is survived by his partner of 60 years.
((((Red Sox Nation))))
Go PHILS!!! (especially since the Eagles will probably never win a Superbowl in my lifetime!)
I kind of forget that Jake ever looked this young, and Austin does look the older one for a change in these photos. In recent years Jake has looked a lot older than his age to me, especially in the past year.
So Special, have you ever heard any Brady gossip along the lines of what the poster on DL claims?
Yes, hugs to the BoSox fans. That's crushing.
I am on a K.C. team self-imposed strike right now. The Chiefs are terrible, the Royals have been terrible for years, and I'm just not an outdoor soccer fan at all. I loved indoor soccer, but that league has been gone forever now.
Those first 2 pics of the guys are great. I just saw October Sky for the first time last year. What a good movie that was; really inspirational. The added behind-the-scenes interviews on that DVD were really interesting. I thought Jake did a great job in it for as young as he was.
Kind of funny that one kid who played Quinten was in American Pie. Lol, what a difference in movies!!
American Pie was just classic. It had me rolling at times. It's one of those guilty pleasures of mine.
Much like High School Musical. C'mon, c'mon, I'll be able to take the abuse. I can't wait to see HSM3.
Have you read Can't Stand It by nosunlight? I'm reading that one right now and it is really good. I think it has like 100 chapters, lol. I'm only on 17 or something like that. I have forever to go.
How was the wedding you went to? Wasn't it your nephew's?
Hi Guys!
Not to worry, I'm most definitely going to root for the Phillies! The best team won last night. I don't wring my hands and watch until the wee hours anymore, ever since we won the World Series in 2004, and to the St. Louis Cardinals, of all things. I was a little girl during the '67 series against them and I remember every player. A second win in 2007 was more than anyone 'round these parts could hope for. All the years of crying, praying, superstition and wringing my hands in front of the television are no more. Any other wins would be great, but I'm very happy. :)
Vogue - my mom was/is a fashionista, so we always had Vogue, Harper's, Elle, etc. lying around. I love the photography and clothes, but don't read it as much as I used to.
I am still here and survived the lost. Although the mood seems like everyone got dumped on the same day up here. Just my observation.
Phillies have always been my N.L. team and my Philly roots. I have Phillies stuff to wear already. So you know who I'll be rooting for. And if I don't my aunt, God rest her soul, would beat my butt if I didn't. ; ) Baseball is a family thing in case you don't know.
Tommy - there have always been rumblings about Tom. I would say that NCS would be good description of the chatter. The manbag, hightlights,spa - mani pedis, yoga, pilates, and as a rook bright yellow jeep does rock the straight as an arrow for a lot of people.
One thing about Tom, he is one guy that most straight guys would jump the line for. I have never seen so many straight men with mancrushes on anyone like they do Tom.
Heh, it's a family thing in our house too. All the way back to Ted Williams, and the ladies in my family as well go crazy for Red Sox baseball (we all get kinda infatuated by the playahs!) My grandmother was the Ted Williams fan, my mom a Jim Lonborg fan, and me? I like most of 'em. So quite naturally I thought of my grandmother when we finally won a World Series in 2004! Red Sox Nation is 40% female. ;)
And as you can guess, I'm well above the "age of consent", so thanks for playing one of my very favorite New Order songs. :)
There once was a lover of Reese
Who was bound to her by a signed lease
But his passion is penis
Which is far from her venus
When will the charade ever cease?
Love it:)
^ Me too :)
Love the Durango Kids pic of Austin :) He is unbelievably cute in that film.
Me three; I forgot to say earlier that I love that poem too.
Austin Nichols has changed so much in the last year. Besides filling out he certainly has lost his boyish looks. He is still a very handsome man. He looks like he would be a really good Dad. :-)
Tom.. Austin's certainly changing from a cute kid into a seriously handsome man.. and he does look like he'd make a good dad.
I'm pretty sure he's charms are appreciated.
JOKER:), saw you posted here some days ago:) I`m usually a lurker here, simply because i can`t find much to write about two guys i don`t find that interesting anymore. I know i could try start a discussion myself, but my dilemma is:LOVE the community, BUT, it is a community for those who want to discuss Jake and Austin. Well, Austin doe`s look great now, i think. Better than ever before. Soon an adult!:)(coming from a fresh one who turned 30, 19 days ago)
Joker,: how was Bergen? Was it rainy in september(if so, what a bomb, heh;)
Great to hear from you NG. I wish we would hear from you more and Joker. As down as I have been and as angry as I have been I am gonna continue to follow this because I know in my heart that Jake is NCS and I see zero love/chemistry between Jake and reese.
Austin has done some really interesting stuff lately. Some of his photos have beee great and I can't wait to see his made for TV movie with Sigorney Weaver who plays the Mom of a young man who dies of Aids.
Hey NG, good to hear from you. You should just start a conversation about things you want to discuss, people may join in. And we have the movie club too.
Looks like there will be a Sophia and Austin romance on screen that is. According to Kristin on E!
Sonya in the Netherlands: Anything on One Tree Hill?
Brooke's (Sophia Bush) got a new love interest! Hot man Austin Nichols of Friday Night Lights and John From Cincinnati fame will be heading to One Tree Hill to canoodle for a while. Yum! Also, Robbie Jones (Quentin) told me this weekend, "I've actually been authorized to say yes, Quentin will be coming back. Very exciting. Actually, I'm leaving to go back next week to shoot a little more." So there you have it! We have definitely not seen the last of Q in the little town of Tree Hill.
OTH spoiler chat on E!
Had to swing the ol' laptop over in front of the TV tonight. It's DWTS night and the only one who's done well tonight so far is Warren Sapp. Poor Lance Bass fell - darnit! I am rooting for him. Now my Prison Break is starting in a few minutes and it's always a dilemma.
What a blast at the park tonight. Great weather. And I met a little 11 week old Spaniel puppy (forgot to ask his name). He was the CUTEST little thing but would hardly be still so I could touch him, let alone pick him up. Then further down the sidewalk, I met Winston, a 7 month old beagle/basset hound mix. He was adorable as well and I told his mom to go down & meet the little puppy. Then, I met this new guy who was visiting the park for only the 3rd time and he had his lab & I'm not sure what the other breed was. I told him all about the park & that I'd been walking out there over 20 years and he stroked my ego and said I didn't look like I could've been walking out there that long. If I didn't know any better, I think he was kind of checking me out, lol. Then, I met Mr. Grey Truck with the Double Window who was out there with his grey dog and I told him about the other dogs who were walking ahead of him. I've seen this guy alot and we wave at each other now. He's a cigar smoker, always has his stogie with him; looks about my age. I could write a page of all the people I've met out there and talked to. It's such a blast. I just love meeting new dogs and most of the owners are great about letting you pet them.
Well, nothing else going on so I'm going to sign off for the night. Sweet dreams, everybody!
Isn't the Sophia Bush character married? Is Austin going to play a home-wrecking bad boy??
Sophia is not married on the show. But she wants to have a baby.
Hello NG, No rain in Bergen, and it was beautiful! Hope to return and visit Stavanger some time next year. I mostly lurk also, thanks for the hey, Tom
Ok, now I've got it. I'm confusing my brunettes. :-D Neither one of them looks like how I think of Sophia looking--or at least in pap photos.
By the way, I saw like 5 seconds of Austin in the previews for next week's episode.
I'm confusing my brunettes.
I always go by scent and what they're legs look like. These 2 girly girls both smell pretty and have goodlookin hoofs. I still don't know who's who but I'm not complaining.
without smelling I can tell who's Austidad. When I look up his face is really small and really really far away.
Dear Ted:
I, too, am tired of the Toothy Tile game...but just out of curiosity, how many people have sent you an email correctly identifying him?
Dear Ticking Tile:
A few.
Dear Ted:
Why are so many movie stars gay? Is there something in the Hollywood water?
—Footy File, Los Angeles
Dear Dasani Doll:
Yeah, it's called DNA.
Dear Ted:
Why are so many women in Hollywood content to be beards for these guys that won't come out of the closet? What's in it for them?
Dear Hairy Sitch:
Hon, haven't you heard? Fame gets you nowhere anymore. It's all about infamy, now, that's where the headlines are at. Totally.
The Awful Truth
Wht does Ted mean by ticking tile. Is time running out on something?
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