Happy HalloweenFor those who grew up trick or treating remember getting two pieces at one house. Total candy bonus. So a little Austin bonus today.
Actor Austin
We're getting a chance to see Austin play a delicious devious guy in his role as Julian Baker on One Tree Hill, but just how bad can he be? You know, there's is a bit of a darkness that lurks behind those eyes, and undoubtedly we will get to see it again in The Informers. For an actor is those kind of parts that can be the most interesting and exciting to play. Because you get to tap into something else, something that may only come out when allow it. Or something you don't always share with your audience
Looking past his All American boy looks and those "rich, snotty, kind of a jerk " roles he's had, on the other end of spectrum from John, its there. There's sometimes a look of intensity, and other times a possessiveness. Undoubtedly he has given both looks to certain a someone that fell under his spell long ago. But then there's this other look kind of lurking, smoldering, bubbling away, not sure when it will boil overs that can take the legs right out of a person. One of the best examples of this picture. Sweaty, glowing, little rough, and some smeared liner, that gaze tells a real story. How can you not fall under that?
Bat Austin
The Bats of Austin. The Congress Avenue bridge in downtown Austin is the spring and summer home to some 750,000 bats with up to 1.5 million bats at the peak of the bat-watching season. It's the largest urban bat colony in North America. While bats have been in Austinfor many years, it was after renovations to the Congress Avenue bridge over Town Lake in 1980 that they found their favorite hang out. Narrow but deep openings created in the bridge turned out to be perfect accommodations. Each evening around sunset the Congress Avenue bats emerge like a black cloud from the crevices of the bridge. Covering the countryside in search of food, it is estimated that the bats consume from 10,000 to 30,000 pounds of insects. Giving birth in June or July, the bats and pups hang around til October when they head back south. Watching the nightly forays for food is a favorite evening activity, especially in late summer. People come out every night to watch the black cloud fly out of from the bridge as the sunsets.
Costume Austin (and Jake too)Last call for Halloween. Nothing like those last minute costumes.
But now its your turn. What are your suggestions for them for Halloween?
Together or single sure you have your own ideas for costumes for them.
Austin raiding his closet for his rubber boots and grabbing a hose to be a fireman?Jake pull out that sparkler from Saturday Night Live and and tease the his own hair for something quick? Although I would shorten that dress, you know why, cause honey those legs should not be hidden. (see above?!?)
A couple more for me. Jake's been a tube of toothpaste as a kid, but how about just going as a tooth this time? Would Austin be the Brush? Or the Dentist ? Cavities Cavities! What?!?! Good dental hygiene is important and what a reminder on this day of candy goodness. What did you think I meant?
Or maybe Jake as Reese and Austin as Jake - Come on Jake's got her number and probably already imitates her, but this Reeke both would smile and really want to hold hands .... and do some of the stuff people think Reese and Jake really do.
Uh crap - that's gonna cost me candy at the Witherspoon house - I'll get a rock or the box of raisins for sure now.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Spelling.. A B C's
Posted by
Special K
10:02 AM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Bats, Halloween, Jake
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Serious Serial Relationship?
David Fincher showed why you should never take the box in Seven. He did show how to take a punch in Fight Club. But do you take the part if he gives it?
Despite the tough love working relationship, and then a bit of mutual admiration in Interview Magazine, are Fincher and Jake ready to make another together? Movie that is. Or will Jake get passed over for Matt Damon to take on Eliot Ness? Talking Torso here, and Jake showed his interest way back when, showing up with Torso "tattooed" on his arm in the Summer of 2006 (aka the Summer of Sad Wolfie). Now really Eliot Ness would never do that. But maybe the killer would?
Torso is a historical fiction limited series published by Image Comics. The story focuses on the "Torso Murderer," an actual serial killer in the 1930's who left behind only the torsos of his victims, making them very difficult to identify for police without DNA testing. The investigator on the case and protagonist of Torso is Eliot Ness, Cleveland Chief of police and one-time head of the Untouchables, the police task force that enforced Prohibition and went after crime lord Al Capone.
Of course the talk is about Jake playing Eliot Ness, that's such a given. But what would be more interesting would be to see Jake play the killer. Not as big of a part, but then again a bigger challenge. Talk about stretching. Jake's done the disturbed before with Donnie Darko, but this is different. This is a killer. It is sometimes those dark parts that are the juiciest to tackle. Tapping into something they didn't know they are or had in them. Jake has started to get a little darker with Brothers and Nailed - but both have an element of redemption to them. Playing a serial killer there is no redemption or remorse. It is a part of pure darkness, feral, animalistic, disturbing provocation. Could Jake's fans handle seeing him take on such a part? Will they always look as him for the good guy role? Would playing a killer kill his career?
If anyone could make Jake get to his darkest, suspect it is Fincher. His relentlessness of perfection and pushing drive could alone take someone over the edge. He bullied Jake on the set of Zodiac, what would he do if Jake did became a Fincher killer?
But then again Jake may just end up on the good side of the law yet again. Guess we will have to wait and see.
ComicMix: Torso Grows Legs
Now for: From the sublime to the ridiculous:Don't think there are any costume options for two or three in the family? Think again. And Ted's to blame. If Goose is grimacing why not just be Grimace this year. And who would hang with the big purple man? Hamburglar.
Jake's already got the shirt. Change the hat and add a cape. And hey Grimace and Hamburglar held hands and no one ever made a big deal.
And how to make it a threesome ?- add some fries. Well a maybe just a wee Fry Guy.
Posted by
Special K
8:45 AM
Labels: David Fincher, Grimace, Halloween, Hamburglar, Jake, Torso
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hustle and Flow
Today is all about the Hustle, if you don't like it you can skip it. You know like skipping work, skipping school, skipping stones, and of course like PG said skip to my lou. But do you know the last verse to Skip to my Lou?
- Skip, skip, skip to the Lou,
- Skip, skip, skip to the Lou,
- Skip, skip, skip to the Lou,
- Skip to the Lou, my darlin'.
- Off to Texas,
- Two by two,
- Off to Texas,
- Two by two,
- Off to Texas,
- Two by two,
- Skip to my Lou, the darlin'.
And Lou? It is corruption of the Scottish word -loo or love.
Oh just skip it -- moving on.
There was a whole lot of moving and not a lot of grooving despite what gets out to the media over the last weekend. We've got three different reports, sightings and wayward children in various locations with various people. Continuity people! Come on hire a better script supervisor. Native American warriors shouldn't wear wrist watches in the Old West, and beards can't be trimmed and then all grow back in, in hours. Continuity!

Ok maybe just skip the continuity thing and get get on to skipping.
Skipping? Seriously. When's the last time anyone's skipped? What 7? By then you've realized - what the heck am I doing. But a couple skipping down the street? Next time we will hear about running in field of flowers in the English countryside. Or sweeping up on horseback all Darcy like. Ohhhhh Mr. Darcy... WAIT just skip that part...
Now Jake may get his skip on by himself. Can anyone say Lemon Twist. Oh yeah... that's right... going old school.... with the lemon twist - which later actually got the name change to Skip It. Hours of fun jumping and bumping, skipping swirling twirling. Hey! that's what the package says.
Skip it. Skip it good.
But actually Jake did skip it. He skipped out of town as soon as he could. And yeah he was hustling. Right back to London?
Now for more Halloween Hijinks, or costumes (fancy dress as they say in the UK) for Jakey.
Its all getting your dance on Jakey. And what better choices than:

Posted by
Special K
10:10 AM
Labels: Halloween, Hustle, Jake, Lakers, Lemon Twist, Skip It, Tony Manero
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Got ya Pegged?
What a difference between coming and going. Look for yourself. Just a "bit" of tension on the way to LA and a lighter mood when back in London. Is that a smile? What's the difference? Could it be that the business trip is done. Or is it the baggage he's lost? Imagine if he really lightened the load for good. Maybe just leave it on the carousel to keep running round and round on its own.
Looks like Ted is taking this whole business down a peg or two with his strongest statement about the whole thing. Whoa! He might be legally blond but he's sure not of fan of the other legally blonde. And we're not talking the new musical either. The mystery is what really did happen to cause this blond vs. blonde situation. Highlights?
But Jake isn't the only getting pegged because last night on One Tree Hill, Austin's Julian Baker is getting pegged as the very bad boy for this season. And it looks like he's gonna be very very bad. And that's in the very best way.
Missed the episode? Or for some want to watch him walk past the pool table one more time?
For those in the U.S. and Canada you can catch the whole episode at Fancast.com. (Last night's episode should be up by the end of the day) For those outside of U.S. - am turning to the super skills of Hjulia and Spooky for help.
Now you're own your own find all the rest of the meanings and uses for the word peg. But this one comes from the way back machine and a quirky little song from Rolf Harris.

With my extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
Wherever I go through rain and snow
The people always let me know
There's Jake the peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With his extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle
Today's its Austin's turn for Halloween costumes ideas and we go straight to the movies for inspiration. How could you not with such a cinephile.

First there's Pygar from Roger Vadim's 60's futuristic sci fi Barbarella. The blind and innocent angel Pygar who's seduced by a famous sibling from a Hollywood family (Jane Fonda) . And hey a heavenly creature with no shirt -that sounds like a mash up of a couple of Austin's projects. The advantage of this one is that Robert Rodriquez is remaking Barbarella and production has been pushed back to 2010 - Austin could celebrated Halloween and show what he's got for casting. One word of caution just don't show up at the studio and pull a Sean Young/Catwoman thing.
The other advantage? Heard something about a certain fellow who has a thing for birds -a goose particularly and well Pygar's got the feathers, wings and lives in a nest.

The other option? A Peter Sellers! Hey it was "Shot in the Dark". And it is the easiest costume since a Santa hat. Just a guy and a guitar - you just have to make sure that strap is securely fastened. Or would you have to? Talk about a G-string.
Posted by
Special K
7:05 AM
Labels: Austin, Halloween, Jake, Jake the Peg, Julian Baker, Movies, One Tree Hill, Pygar, Ted
Monday, October 27, 2008
Half Bake(r)ed
Tonight is the first time we've seen Austin on TV in almost a year. He returns as Julian Baker (not Bennett as previously thought) an independent movie producer, and from the latest interview (Thanks Hjulia!) he's a troublemaker and pretty much a playah. Austin mentions Jack Nicholson when describing Julian, now we see what he was years ago courtside at the Lakers - Research! Yeah that's it.
Austin is got to dip his toe is bad behavior a bit before - Morgan Earpe and Noah was a bit bad, but it looks like that Julian is going to bring out the true bad boy. Somehow don't think it will be too much of a stretch.
One Tree Hill 6.08 -Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe
Lucas’ (Chad Michael Murray) novel receives unexpected and surprising interest from a stranger named Julian Baker, a movie producer, who show sup at Lucas' door. Say he found bout about Lucas' book from Lucas' agent and he's interested in making it into a movie. While Mouth (Lee Norris) from surprising interest from his new intern. Jamie (Jackson Brundage) grows enamored of Sam (guest star Ashley Rickards) and her rebellious facade, while a would-be suitor grows enamored of Brooke (Sophia Bush).Haley (Bethany Joy Galeotti) counsels Nathan (James Lafferty) as his basketball comeback gains momentum.
One Tree Hill is on 9:00pm Mondays on the CW Network (check local listings). Check out One Tree Hill's website for information to catch up on the storyline and the characters.
Now for a little variation on a theme:
It's that time of year again - what to be for Halloween - so a suggestion for Jakey today.
Rasta Man - Go with what you got dude, and you've been rocking the hat so why not just go for some Irie.
Pictures: Austin Nichols Journal , IHJ
Posted by
Special K
9:05 AM
Labels: Austin, Halloween, Jake, Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, Rasta
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Out Spotlight XXXXVI
Today's Spotlight focuses on the Native American tribes and homosexuality.
In Native American history this is recognition of those called Two Spirits which could be seen as homosexuality in their culture. Now one tribe's stepped up to show their support of the gay members of their nation.
In August of this year the Coquille Indian Tribe on the southern coast of Oregon, a recognized federally sovereign nation within the United States, not bound by state of Oregon's constitution, recognize allowing same sex marriage among its members.
"The Coquilles (which tribal leaders prefer to pronounce KO-kwell) are probably the first tribe in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage", said Brian Gilley, a University of Vermont anthropology professor and author of the book, Becoming Two-Spirit: Gay Identity and Social Acceptance in Indian Country.
Because the Coquilles have federal status, a marriage within the tribe would be federally recognized. That would violate the Defence of Marriage Act, a law that says the federal government "may not treat same-sex relationships as marriages for any purpose."
The federal government could challenge the Coquille law as a way of testing the limits of tribal independence. The tribe has concluded that the Defense of Marriage Act may bar the tribe from conferring federal benefits or money on same-sex spouses, but understand the risks of their actions.
The new law establishes tribal rules for recognizing marriage, whether for gay or heterosexual couples. It will not take effect until the tribe also creates laws for divorce and child custody according to their tribal attorney. The seven-member tribal council expects to adopt such laws next year.
Historically homosexuality have been recognized by many tribes, but the Coquille Nation is the first and tribe to support gay marriage. Both the Cherokee and the Navajo, (the largest Native American tribe)Nations have banned same sex marriages.
This belief, scholars have also observed, has been eroded in many places by the imposition of Judeo-Christian views of homosexuality as sinful.
"Homophobia was taught to us as a component of Western education and religion," Navajo anthropologist Wesley Thomas has written. "We were presented with an entirely new set of taboos, which did not correspond to our own models and which focused on sexual behavior rather than the intricate roles Two-Spirit people played. As a result of this misrepresentation, our nations no longer accepted us as they once had."
Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits (BAAITS) is a six-year-old nonprofit that offers support and activities to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Native Americans. Similar groups exist in Oklahoma, Colorado and Minnesota. BAAITS and other groups are trying to help the Native American Nations to reconnect with Two Spirits and homosexuality within the 800 tribes in the United States.The Coquille Nation is stepping forward with their acceptance of same sex marriage.
Ken Tanner, chief of the Coquilles said: "Native Americans are sensitive to discrimination of any kind. For our tribe, we want people to walk in the shoes of other people and learn to respect differences. Through that, we think we build a stronger community."
Posted by
Special K
9:53 AM
Labels: Coquille, Out Spotlight, Same Sex Marriage
Friday, October 24, 2008
The OMG Movie Club
This month's movie was My Beautiful Laundrette.
South London, of the 1980's, the city being reconfigured by the Thatcherite “revolution” and the social tensions, and seen through the eyes of the Asian community My Beautiful Laundrette tells the story of the unlikely romance between a working-class British thug and a first-generation Pakistani entrepreneur.
Omar (Gordon Warnecke) is sent away by his disillusioned alcoholic father, still unable to get over his wife's suicide, to go work for Omar's Uncle Nasser, a successful businessman. Taking on the challenge Omar soon rises to accept Nasser's proposition that he begin his business career by reviving a down on its luck laundrette.
The laundrette offers all kinds of opportunities for Omar -- lucrative, romantic and ultimately, utopian. Enter Johnny (Daniel Day Lewis) when Johnny's skinhead street gang terrorized Omar's uncle Nasser. Johnny is a former friend with implications of more from their past. No matter how their re-acquaintance came about it is obvious there's still a palpable connection between Omar and Johnny. In fact, it's true love. Together they work to make the laundrette the best they can think it can be. Johnny helping Omar to manage and renovate the peeling walls, bubbling washers and useless public phone booth turning the forgotten and neglected in something beautiful. Much like they do for the other.
With a unconventionality, charm, wit, combined with a grittiness look it touches on virtually every thread of race, class, and capital in the British social fabric while telling a love story of two young men who are not only lovers and supposed adversaries in race, and class, finding themselves not belonging to anyone except each other.
Couple of thoughts:
Do Omar and Johnny truly fall in love for the first time this time? Or do they fall back in love? Rekindling something that once was either fleeting or maybe experimental phases in the their lives? Did they let themselves be open this time to the feelings before?
Do you think who does the wash and for whom and what can and cannot be washed and by the laundrette itself was symbolic of economic setting, social and sexual oppression, mobility and class, desire to dream, and potential equity?
My Beautiful Laundrette - British Film Guide
Posted by
Special K
5:00 PM
Labels: Movie, Movie Club, My Beautiful Laundrette
Casting Call
UPDATE (4:06 PM EST) Buddy TV has an exclusive interview with Austin about OTH.
Check it out: Buddy TV - Austin
With Austin appearing more often on the small screen, why not look at other shows that he might want to do. One of the hottest new shows on American TV is Mad Men, the story of ad men on Madison Ave in the 1960's. And it seems like something Austin might be a good look and fit for. And he does have a thing for retro and vintage.
"The series revolves around the conflicted world of Don Draper, the biggest ad man (and ladies man) in the business, and his colleagues at the Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency. As Don makes the plays in the boardroom and the bedroom, he struggles to stay a step ahead of the rapidly changing times and the young executives nipping at his heels. The series also depicts authentically the roles of men and women in this era while exploring the true human nature beneath the guise of 1960s traditional family values."Could you see Austin as the rising young protege? Think he would get into trying to get into the head of the male culture of the 1960's and their attitudes toward women and society as a stretch. The research alone would be fun, with all the old shows, films, commercials. Heck he would do the show just for the wardrobe alone. Maybe it would be his chance to wear those 60's Italian suits and that he talked about in his interview with Men's Health.
But if he needs to get his Mad Men or vintage mid century Hollywood look on off screen he doesn't need to look any further than L.A. vintage clothing store Everything's Jake, which carries vintage suits, trousers, and sport coats from the 1940s through the early '60s, along with all the proper accessories that any well-turned-out gentleman needs. Their vintage stock is strictly the best. And with a name like that can you really go wrong.
Of course it could get confusing on the Christmas list:
I want:
Everything Jake
or is itEverything's Jake?
Think that one would be if you were on Santa's naughty list and one for his nice. He who has the hat decides it would seem. ; )
Friday, October 23 thru Saturday October 24th,
starting tonight at 5:00PM EST.
The Austin Friday post will remain open both Friday and Saturday.
Posted by
Special K
10:02 AM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Casting, Fashion, Television
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Top Ten
Some think that the only reason Jake is back in LA is for Reese. Of course it not like it's his home or anything. Couldn't be that simple could it ?
Top Ten reasons I really came home. - J.G.
10. Homesick from seeing those damn Visit California commercials on ITV.
9. Unlike politics - Driving I prefer the right.
8. Getting to preview the Prince of Persia action figure with kung fu grip. Wait that's not right - the kung fu grip is for me or for him or is it for me? Damn that jet lag.
7. Cause "It Never Rains in Southern California" 6. Need to pick up my outfit for the WeHo and Village high holiday (Halloween) No more monkeying around for me. I want some thing super special! this year.
5. Doctor's appointment. Hit the gym. Bump into Ted.4. Atticus is tired of walking the mean streets of Brentwood, and needs a little Malibu.
3. Wanted to surprise someone when he gets home from NC. - Thanks again paparazzi
2. Jen's pregnant?!?!? Oh honey we gotta talk.
1. Wanted to beat the rush and VOTE. (And I like the stickers)
Friday, October 23 and Saturday October 24th,
starting Friday at 5:00PM EST.
This month's movie is My Beautiful Launderette.
Posted by
Special K
7:24 AM
Labels: Jake, Top Ten List
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Button up
Is it a statement maker or a fashion maker?
Dostoevsky said "We all come out from Gogol's 'Overcoat'.", referring to the Nikolai Gogol's famous short story, The Overcoat.
Is Austin making an homage to the story and the film adaptation of Gogol.
Gogol's story takes readers through the mundane and alienating world of a bureaucratic office in St. Petersburg Russia where an awkward, impoverished clerk must scrimp and save in order to afford a badly needed new winter coat. As the story progresses, you enter a fairy-tale world of supernatural revenge, where the clerk's corpse is seen wandering city streets ripping coats off the backs of passersby. Gogol's story is both comic and horrific—at once a scathing social satire, moralistic fable, and psychological study.
Is the raggedy sleeves symbolic of the struggle of the working class or just sleeves too short?
Then again it maybe a fashion statement - because who needs an overcoat in California?
But of course he might have been giving a hint about a personal connection with a movie and overcoats...
Photo credit: Austin Nichols Journal (Spooky)
Friday, October 23 and Saturday October 24th,
starting Friday at 5:00PM EST.
Posted by
Special K
10:17 AM
Labels: Austin, Gogol, Grey Overcoat
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Caught holding the bag.
They say the bag makes the man. What does it say about Jake?

And other times you can't wait to meet someone to shop with.

Posted by
Special K
10:15 AM